Edotco intended to endow in Pakistan’s telecom network

Edotco Group intended to endow $250 million in Pakistan’s telecom infrastructure to enlarge network infrastructure. Incorporated group had already invested over $100 million in Pakistan, and intends to invest $50 million on per annum basis in the next four to five years.

Edotco intended to endow in Pakistan’s telecom network

Suresh Sidhu, chief executive officer for Edotco Group said that Sidhu Pakistan could become hub of connectivity on telecommunication services with Gulf region. The company was willing to invest hundreds of millions of dollars more to make the infrastructure cost-effective.

Edotco is dedicated to laying the groundwork of a 5G-ready Pakistan, but it required some prerequisites, including fabrication, Smartphone penetration and spectrum availability.

Pakistan Telecom Sector

Currently, around six percent towers in the country were fiber connected, with around 31 percent Smartphone penetration.

By 2022, Pakistan’s telecommunications industry would need over 30,000 new towers as compared to the amount it has now. The towers in Pakistan are operating at approximately 4,300 subscribers per tower.

Service provider company , in September called off a $940 million deal to buy 13,000 telecoms towers in Pakistan for the transaction. Edotco company has grown rapidly and attracted new shareholders.