Power division initiated long-term planning to tackle energy woes

Power Division has now initiated working on long-term planning up till the year 2040 for power generation, allocation and broadcast to make the system efficient while making the energy production competitive and affordable and to permanently put an end to the energy woes of the country.

Power division initiated long-term planning to tackle energy woes

According to Power Division a task force on energy reforms has been constituted to tackle the power sector issues. Power division launched anti-power theft campaign, formed special task forces in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and reduced the gap between National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) and government tariff.

Crackdown on irregularities and corrupt practices, make sure respite for the poor, support for agriculture and industrial sectors, advanced metering infrastructure, removing constraints for efficient transmission, improvement of distribution system and Solarization of agriculture tube-wells in Balochistan etc.

Power Division has also implemented Customer Complaint Management System (CCMS) which is based on latest Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and all the DISCOs are connected through this system via a web portal and mobile calls/SMS.

For improvement of the distribution system, short, medium and long-term planning is being done to invest in 132KV grid stations improving their capacity by adding power transformers, improving HT to LT ratio to international standards and rationalizing feeder lengths to overcome losses, tripping and overloading.

Power division has been working on energy policy towards clean, green and home-grown power.  Power division has planned to install Aerial Bundle Cable (ABC) to help in controlling the troublemaker of kundas (hooks) and reducing line losses in high loss areas.

Power Division has planned to install ABC in PESCO and SEPCO areas in the first phase and the same will be mounting in remaining DISCOs targeting high loss feeder.

Our rulers and policy makers are taking bold and concerted measures to fix the crippling energy woes failing which these problems would keep recurring.