EDUCATION IS considered the key to the success of nations. World history is spectator to this fact. In this age of modern development, higher education has achieved a central role in the process of growth of success, and research is the heart of higher education, which is being enjoying the prime importance across the globe, except in our country Pakistan. All the developed nations across the globe developed a healthy “research culture” in academia and their S&T ministries bridging the gap between industry and academia. On the other side Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) in Pakistan has spent one more year in deciding where to spent the meager amount of allocated budget. Surely it will be caught between two stools situation for them. Pakistan, being as developing state has a lot of constraints on the road of development. Pakistan is way more behind in marathon of research and up till now not even succeed to develop an inspiring research culture. Outside our country there is found an established trend of practical application of knowledge rather than only teaching youth “knowledge is power”. They don’t only learn it but also teach them for how to use this power. Syllabus which is being taught in our institutions is based on research needs of developed countries like UK, US, France, Germany, Australia and other. There is a lack of vision and dedication in research organizations and in academia as well. The other main difference between Pakistani research organizations and others is the availability of resources. In most of the cases, research topics revolve around the culture of convenience, ease and soft targets for students. Research supervisors do not prepare them up-to-date needs, resultantly the students don’t meet the modern-day challenges because mostly research students are allotted the same old repeated topics to make their work easy and it also help the supervisor to fulfill the assignment regardless of outcome.  At the same time, it is a hard fact that financial constrain is major hurdle for innovative research. Besides the requirements, it is seen that in any kind of financial crunch, MoST is among those few ministries that are axed outrightly. The current budget of MoST is only PKR 2.42 billion which is 0.05% of total budget. Whereas, India and Iran have 0.8% and 0.7% respectively, that clearly shows their interest in developing their countries. Government has taken many steps to improve the standard of higher education and R&D culture but unfortunately these steps are just verbal claims. The overall state of science and technology remain as miserable as previous years, rather declining. Due to insufficient funding it is not possible to continue research projects, and in most of the cases the available fund is only left for non-development expenditures. In Pakistan there is prompt need of vast research in every field for its successful survival in the current era of research and technology. The solution to every problem lies in research whether it is scientific or social problem, it can be solved by quality and precise research. There is urgent need to polish our youth who have fertile minds. The only task is to train them to use the available resources in an effective and fruitful manner to be more productive, and to empower them to search their hidden potential and invaluable capabilities. A lot of low-cost projects can made highly valuable and worth importance by developing innovative ideas which will be suitable for local society to derive large benefits. This practice can take us to valuable healthy research culture in Pakistan else research culture will remain a distant dream in Pakistan.