Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan with IUCN Pakistan, Government of Sindh and other investors remembered the International Coastal Clean-up Day at Sea View Beach in Karachi. The chief guest of the occasion was Mushahid Ullah Khan, Senator, and Minister for Climate Change. Occasion was attended by Syed Abu Ahmed Akif, Secretary, Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan and Inspector General Forests, Syed Nasir Mahmood.

Volunteers youth and around 1000 students have participated in the event aimed at fashioning mass awareness for implication of clean coasts and oceans their need to be protected from wastes for example plastic. Research found 62% seabird and 100% in sea turtle species in sea.

Senator Mushahid Ullah Khan appreciated IUCN for organizing immense event for cleaning up 3km beach crammed by thousands of people every week.  “I would like to thank IUCN Pakistan for organizing and coordinating this mega activity, the students from various schools of Karachi for gathering tonnes of solid and plastic waste from the Seaview Beach,” Minister acclaimed.

Minister expressed his gratitude to Karachi Port Trust and Sindh Forest Department, Engro Foundation, UNDP, Nestle for providing financial assistance. He further stated that mounting pollution in the seas was because of incomplete awareness in masses and lack of proper infrastructure. He asked media to play its role to produce cognizance on environmental degradation. Earth surface “would fail to fulfill our food requirement in future and human beings will go to the oceans. “He lamented that “Our coasts have been turned into waste dumps and are stinking due to waste dumped by us.”

He reiterated that NGOs, federal and provincial governments, civil society organizations and folks will be obliged to come together to keep coasts clean. He informed that mangroves are the sanctuaries of marine biodiversity.

Mr. Mahmood Akhtar Cheema, Country Representative, IUCN Pakistan thanked the Minister, participants, and guests and appreciated Ministry of Climate Change’s role in the event and the other investors in levitation of awareness amid masses on cleaner coasts.

Pakistan’s Coastal and Marine Resources and Valuation of Mangroves in PQA Indus Delta: An Econometric Approach were 2 publications launched by Minister produced by IUCN Pakistan under its Mangroves for the Future Programme during the ceremony. Mr. Mahmood Akhtar Cheema briefed the media about the value of the mangroves in economic terms. He emphasized on the mangroves protection as seafood for the coastal community. Oceans are needed to be protected because of largest ecosystems, and planet’s largest life support systems. We all need healthy oceans to survive and prosper. Oceans generate half of the oxygen people breathe. Living oceans captivate carbon dioxide and reduce the impact of climate change. Coasts are natural assets and need to protect.

Sindh Forest Department, UN Environment, National Institute of Oceanography, Karachi Port Trust, SACEP, Engro Foundation, WWF Pakistan, Clifton Cantonment Board, Karachi Cantonment Board, District Administration, Nestle Pakistan, United Nations Development Programme and National Forum for Environment and Health were organization involved in event