Dr. B.N. Anand

Indeed Professor (Dr) Abdus Salam should have been the pride of Pakistan , but Alas, he was not to be. Being an Ahmedia, he was disowned and even his grave was not spared to remove his religion and his being a Pakistan national. That is not how nations treat the heroes of the country. He was not only a brilliant scientist but also super fine human being.


It is time to celebrate Abdus Salams legacy in Pakistan by declaring January 29th each year as “Abdus Salam Day”. Like other days in honor of national heroes of Pakistan this would not be a day off from school for children of Pakistan. I envision that all school and college children on this day would be encouraged to display science projects all over Pakistan. There would be competitions in different categories of various science subjects and prizes, trophies scholarships in honor of Abdus Salam would be awarded to the winners…….

Jalaluddin S. Hussain

Scientist, like Dr. Salam, have made Pakistan great!

Adnan Khan

Dr. Salam was son of Pakistan and will always be!


Dr.Abdus Salam is our pride, a true national hero. Feel sorry for the way he was treated, despite being a patriot to his nation.

Imtiaz Hydari

A great Scientist and the Pride of Pakistan. I salute our Nobel Laureate


I am an Indian and being a researcher, I have great respect for him. If Pakistan can give Nisan-e-Pakistan to Dilip Kumar why not for Sir, Abdus Salam, I think he deserved it and it will be great if Pakistan includes him in the textbook, so that coming generation learn about him


No matter what his belief was, let us not forget that he was the off-spring of this land and a citizen of this country. The bigots may not honour him but then who cares, the world remembers him and he is a hero to millions. The loss is ours. He was a tall man in all manners of speaking and through his achievements taller than most of us. I hang my head in shame.

Muhammad Afzal Khan

Dr. Abdus Salam is indeed unsung hero of Pakistan but he lives in the heart of millions of Pakistanis irrespective of their religious belief. I feel proud that he was son of soil.


I find it annoying whenever he is labelled as a “forgotten” hero. Though the Pakistani nation is not bad at valuing its benefactors which is evident from the fact that this gentleman is known to every Pakistani Kid and Pakistani textbooks have biographical essays on his scientific contributions. He is surely a hero but not at all “forgotten”!!

A. Malik

Dr. Salam laid the foundation of an institution that ultimately facilitated Pakistan become a nuclear power.


How can a country develop and society flourish when they cant separate a scientists genius and achievements from his religious beliefs.


We are very proud what he contributed and how serviced during his life. He is gone but his soul rests in Pakistan. Many Pakistanis are very proud of him. His legacy will live with us forever. May Allah gives him haven and turns our hearts and minds to serve humanity.

Mohummud Idrees Husain

Good man. Great scientist. Pride of Pakistan, May Allah bless his soul.

Probal Kundu

The theory for which Dr. Salam got the Noble Prize can be placed as, one of the few great discoveries in physics in this century. I feel proud to be from his subcontinent

Marghoob Ahmed Siddiqui

He did great things for Pakistan and his area. We salute him for what he did.

Danyal B Syed

From my college days I have admired Dr Abdus Salam, my fellow old Ravian as a great physicist. He was the beacon of light and a motivator for so many budding young Ravian scientists. Above all a great human. He will always be remembered as the first Pakistani to receive the Nobel Prize. That will always be his place in history and no other Pakistani would be able to claim this. His religion and believes are his personal matter and I never judge people based on that. That job of judging people belongs to the Creator and He knows the best how to do it. I salute him what he was – a great physicist and a human being…

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