STAFF REPORT ISB: Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) stands with the nation in paying tribute to the father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and his vision of a strong and progressive Pakistan.

PTCL has recently launched a nationwide solidarity campaign themed “Our Future – Our Children”, with the aim to strengthen bonds among the Pakistani nation and propagates a message of faith, united effort and a brighter future for coming generations.

The company believes that children are the future of Pakistan and it is imperative to provide them opportunities to lead better lives. The companys innovative communication platforms are empowering the youth to reach new horizons through convenient access to knowledge and information.

The self-belief and potential of the people have always surpassed and surmounted all challenges and seized opportunities of national development. Embodying the national spirit of hope, resilience and collective strength, PTCL is connecting and spreading the national spirit since 1947.

Today, the company stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the nation and remains steadfast in its commitment towards a brighter future through its cutting edge ICT solutions, giving impetus to socio-economic growth and development of the country.

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