HBLSTAFF REPORT KHI: Habib Bank Limited has also joined the cluster of banks offering branchless banking services to their services as the bank has got the branchless banking license for the commercial launch of its operations across Pakistan.

According to an official, the State Bank of Pakistan has finally issued the HBL the license for the launch of the services in a week or so.

“This has been achieved only after our bank has successfully carried out mobile financial services during its pilot duration,” said the official mentioning that the HBL had soft launched the service, as a pilot, in September last.

Habib Bank will launch branchless banking with local remittances and utility bill payments initially, while wallets accounts, government to persons transaction, tax collection, loan payments, insurance and more services will be added to the portfolio in coming months.

The HBL will become second bank lead branchless banking solution after UBLs omni and fifth branchless banking service provider in the country.

“The bank will launch branchless banking with hubs and franchises across Pakistan. These hubs will control franchises and outlets in the regions,” maintained the official.

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