Pakistan standing up to cut ODS emissions by 35% till 2020

Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC) informed that Pakistan is register to Montreal Protocol on Ozone Layer Depletion Substances (ODS).

Pakistan standing up to cut ODS emissions by 35% till 2020He said according to Ozone Layer Depleting particles (in tonnes) world data in 2009 – 2010, Pakistan was given the target to negotiate a cut of 15 percent in ODS emissions till 2015. Decline of 35% ODS emissions target is set for Pakistan in the next phase to fulfill till Jan 1, 2020. Happily there is no domestic production of Ozone damaging gases in the country. Pakistan mainly imports such refrigerants through proper training of customs department staff members by MoCC.

Customs officers took smuggled refrigerant weighed around 18,000 kg in custody at Karachi Port. They got some information regarding an attempt to illegally import huge quantities of the gas. Pakistan’s customs deserved appreciation for their prompt response and action which blocked the wicked attempt of importing such hazardous substances into the country.

The entire action has been achievable just because of the trained custom officers by MoCC under various capacity building trainings and workshops to identify and detect ODS gases smuggled into the country through various shipments.

Countries around the world are phasing out hydro-chlorofluorocarbons like R-22 under the Montreal Protocol, the treaty that protects the ozone layer.

According to the latest Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, actions taken under the Montreal Protocol are resulting in steady, long-term decreases in the atmospheric abundance of controlled ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) and the ongoing recovery of stratospheric ozone at a rate of 1 to 3% per decade since 2000.

Official added that customs team has been awarded prizes and appreciation certificates to boost their moral and acknowledge their achievement so that this success story of Pakistan gets recognition at home and around the globe.