Dr. Attaur Rahman, former federal minister for science and technology and former Higher Education Commission chairperson strained that the necessity of technological innovation in the current era during his lecture at the Salim Habib Campus of the Barrett Hodgson University (BHU).

The visit of Dr. Rahman was a fragment of the Distinguished Lecture Series organized by the BHU Teaching and Learning Centre. The lecture talked the road that different countries had chartered out to socioeconomic development titled ‘The Exciting World of Innovations’.

Dr. Rahman pointed out citing Singapore that the small city-stated had overtaken the United Kingdom in its per capita income in mid-1990s, today around $55,000 higher than many developed countries such as United States, Germany, United Kingdom, and Canada. Singapore is able to achieve this even though not rich in terms of natural resources.

The secret behind success of Singapore was investment in quality education, science, and technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, said Dr. Rahman.  The scientist also discussed many technological innovations changing the world at a swift stride.

Dr. Arif Siddiqui Vice-Chancellor BHU praised contribution of Dr. Rahman to the higher education in Pakistan. He added that BHU laid great importance on never-ending professional development and providing a learning environment to help students understand their intellectual, academic and entrepreneurial potential.

Dr. Rahman also paid a visit to the campus to peer various facilities like instrument room, pharmaceutical chemistry lab, pharmaceutics lab, physics lab, library, and sports center. He appreciated BHU for providing students a complete educational experience by purpose-built campus.

Higher Education Commission, as well as the Pakistan Engineering Council, recognized, received its charter from the Government of Sindh in May 2015. Offering programmes in biomedical engineering, life sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, and management sciences.