Gone for engaging Pakistan’s female ranchers and broadening them the advantages of its leader portable horticulture benefit ‘KhushaalZamindar’, Telenor Pakistan in organization with Punjab Livestock and Dairy Development Board (PLDDB) propelled a devoted free of cost IVR benefit for female agriculturists in Punjab called ‘KhushaalAangan’. Female ranchers will just need to dial 727251 to subscribe to the administration and get data with respect to animals raising, family wellbeing, sustenance, cleanliness, and sanitation.

Ladies assume an enormous part, particularly in provincial regions and their commitment outperforms that of the male partners as it stretches out to cultivate support and creature raising despite guaranteeing prosperity of the family. As of now, more than 4 million ranchers in Punjab are using Telenor Pakistan’s horticulture benefit ‘Khushaal Zamindar’ and more than 10% of them are females. “Keeping in see the expansive number of female workforce in the present country society and their monstrous commitment towards agribusiness, it’s basic to have an administration which caters particularly to their necessities.

“The measurements from our leader Agri program Khushaal Zamindar uncovered that an empowering level of clients contained ladies,” said Irfan Wahab Khan, Chief Executive Officer, Telenor Pakistan. “Since most of the female workforce in Pakistan is additionally connected with farming, it influences coherent and business to consider them to better through an administration custom-made to their particular working needs. “Considering our learning, we composed Khushaal Aangan that is meant to be an impeccable way of life accomplice for the rustic lady, teaching her on agribusiness, domesticated animals raising, family wellbeing and considerably more. “As we keep on being driven by our central goal of engaging social orders at Telenor Pakistan, through Khushaal Aangan we are intending to enable the Pakistani ladies to help by offering them with the information that will make them more beneficial and enhance their employment,” he included.

Raja Ashfaq Sarwar, Minister Labor and Human Resources, Punjab and Chairman, PLDDB stated, “PLDDB is attempting to encourage little scale agriculturists and has propelled a few tasks in such manner. Khushaal Aangan is additionally intended to teach little scale agriculturists particularly concentrating on ladies. “It is a positive and empowering advance towards engaging the Pakistani ladies as it broadens the advantages of the business driving Mobile Agriculture benefit Khushaal Zamindar to ladies in a more centered manner. “We salute Telenor Pakistan on the dispatch of this restrictive, female-accommodating admonitory administration, and furthermore express gratitude toward them for proceeding to supplement the Government’s endeavors for an advanced and enabled Pakistan. “Data Communication Technology (ICT) is the route forward with regards to computerized headway in creating nations like Pakistan.”

Saira Iftikhar, CEOP LDDB, told, “It’s a pattern setting, and truly necessary action taken by Telenor Pakistan and PLDDB and it will enable many rustic ladies to enhance their farming and animals’ administration rehearses. “Pakistan’s domesticated animal’s area is contributing fundamentally to the national GDP and assuming a noteworthy part of the nation’s financial development and destitution lightening. With ‘Khushaal Aangan’, the rustic lady will be enabled and outfitted with the information she needs for raising more beneficial domesticated animals and to enhance soundness of her relatives. Telenor Pakistan and PLDDB are upsetting the data spread system of agribusiness and animals’ parts, empowering each male and female rancher to contribute their best to the nation’s financial advancement and lead more beneficial and more prosperous lives.”

The program was planned after complete on-ground investigates and overviews to accumulate all bits of knowledge essential for a customized, female-just IVR benefit for provincial ladies. Inside and out meetings were likewise led by female agriculturists of personas in various towns of Punjab in the pilot stage.

It will likewise highlight female-just live shows to encourage mindfulness about the helpfulness of versatile technology opposite the agrarian development and family unit administration. Female ranchers will have the ability to call and make inquiries to get to ongoing data from female agribusiness specialists and nutritionists at the show.