Denmark assisting Pakistan in renewable energy projects

Denmark Ambassador Rolf Holmboe met Nadeem Babar, Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Petroleum for offered his country’s support in assisting renewable energy projects in Pakistan.

Denmark assisting Pakistan in renewable energy projectsMainly focus renewable energy projects includes hybrid solar and wind power plants in Pakistan.

The visiting dignitary appreciated the reforms being undertaken in energy sector of Pakistan and determined to focus in making progress in renewable energy projects.

He also shared proposals for establishment of mini/micro power plant technologies in Pakistan to help the country meet its ambitious objective of increasing alternative power generation share in energy mix to 30 percent within a decade.

Denmark is a world leader in renewable energy and eyeing the Pakistani market with active interest. This has also been made possible by the present Government’s emphasis on strict implementation of a renewable energy policy.

Special Assistant to Prime Minister Nadeem Babar acknowledged the Danish ambassador for his country’s offer of assisting Pakistan in the renewable energy sector and welcomed any possible investments.

He said Pakistan would also like to collaborate in exploring avenues for transferring technology in the renewable energy sector.

He informed that it was the objective of the present government to ensure tangible results in Pakistan’s renewable energy production during the next 20 years.