Need to bridge the gap between Agri-scientists & Agri-engineering
Pakistan is largely dependent on imported seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and Agri-engineering. Why scientists and innovators of Pakistan could not help to bridge gap? Answer lies in this story. 
Need to bridge the gap between Agri-scientists & Agri-engineering
Pakistan used to produce 150000 bales of cotton in 1975. The scientist of NIAB FSD developed new cotton variety and output of cotton reached to 11 million bales. Then for last three decades the output is same and stagnant.
The scientist of KSK Rice Institute developed Baspati variety and Pakistan secured good name in rice. Rest are imported varieties. India has 50+ commercial varieties. Why we could not have a good variety after basmati?
These both scientists got nothing for innovations. The message is well understood by rest of scientific community. Just because;
  • Our S&T is not responsive.
  • It is led by non technical rather political figures.
  • No IP law approved till today for variety, seed etc.
  • No commercial incentives for scientists. 
  • Scientists are not allowed to earn from profits of their innovation as they are treated like civil servants under ESTA code.