Joint control operation continues under Pak Army, Punjab Agriculture Department, PDMA, District Administration

Surveillance of a total area of ​​3.7 million hectares has been completed so far, more than 44,000 liters of pesticides have been sprayed on an area of ​​133,000 hectares, said the provincial agriculture minister with Pak Army.

Joint control operation continues under Pak Army, Punjab Agriculture Department, PDMA, District Administration

 Locust heart problem is facing 26 countries of the world including Pakistan . Due to rains in Saudi Arabia and Yemen last year , the worm entered Pakistan via Iran . Army, Department of Agriculture , Punjab, PDMA, district joint operation to control the timely release of locust operations department of agriculture under the management teams of attack from Punjab crops in a more damage was not.Surveillance of a total area of ​​3.7 million hectares has been completed so far and more than 44,000 liters of pesticides have been sprayed on an area of ​​133,000 hectares and there is a stock of more than 90,000 liters of pesticides now, said Punjab Agriculture Minister Malik Noman. Ahmed Langarial said while talking to media.

The Punjab Agriculture Minister further said that the Punjab government has procured spray machinery and poisons on emergency basis and provided them in the field and more than 3000 workers and 328 vehicles of Punjab Agriculture Department are participating in this campaign for heart control.The activities of all the concerned departments will continue till the complete elimination of locusts from the province and these activities are also being monitored on a daily basis. They are also conducting aerial operations as required. The conditions of locust heart eggs, children and hoppers are being remedied so that the next generation cannot grow. The combined efforts of all relevant stakeholders are further improving surveillance and control.Locusts are currently migrating and special teams from the Agriculture Department are monitoring Pir Mahal, Khanewal, Mian Channu, Burewala, Khairpur and Tamiwali. The moth is still on its way to Cholistan where special teams micron and eliminating the Department of agriculture who sprayed by planes gy.uzyr agriculture Punjab farmers also requested that any locust observed to report immediately to the Department in the area It should be given to the local offices of agriculture (extension) or district administration so that the teams of agriculture department can spray it immediately to control it.