QAU land issue raises concerns among JAC members

Joint Action Committee (JAC) on Quaid-I-Azam University (QAU) communicated its grave worry over the non-resolution of long-pending QAU land issue.

QAU land issue raises concerns among JAC members

A significant web-based gathering was assembled by Quaideen, the Alumni Association of QAU, went to by individuals from the central council of QAU Alumni Association, office-bearers of Academic Staff Association, and QAU workforce/representatives.

The members called attention to that the issue was taken up by the Vice-Chancellor Prof Muhammad Ali on the command of the legislature. Yet, in the wake of beginning the activity weakly, the vested intrigued bunches prevailing with regards to putting the issue away from plain view.

The JAC was educated that the CDA report submitted in the Supreme Court and minutes of a gathering hung on January 15 at the grounds discharged by CDA embraced the lawful case of QAU more than 1,709 acres of land of the land.

The members were additionally educated that the report regarding the Survey of Pakistan led in 2017 likewise confirms this. CDA had plainly expressed that QAU paid the whole sum for 1,709 sections of land, 4 kanals, and 12 marlas.

The JAC meeting communicated its anguish and consternation that QAU has still lacked in excess of 350 acres of land because of unlawful ownership of persuasive ‘qabza mafia’ who didn’t extra the place where there is esteemed top positioned government advanced education establishment of Pakistan.

The JAC was informed that National Assembly Standing Committee on Federal Education and Professional Training indicated its profound worry on the illicit infringement of the QAU land and conduct of concerned government offices during its visit to the college and coordinated all worried to take important measures against unlawful encroachers after which the activity was begun.

The board recommended that according to report by Survey of Pakistan, solid measures ought to be attempted by the Federal Government to guarantee giving over of complete 1,709 sections of land to QAU so it might address developing issues of its understudies.

The gathering mentioned President of Pakistan, Chancellor of QAU, government services for training and bureaucratic inside clergyman for complete evacuation of illicit occupations, and complete giving over in excess of 1,709 Acres of QAU land.

Joint Action Committee has acknowledged the choice of a new division of place where there is Quaid-I-Azam University (QAU) Islamabad over the solicitation of QAU organization and trusted that the new boundary will be significantly useful in settling the long-pending issue of QAU land issue.

It was additionally stressed that the new outline should lead towards returning of decades-old original place where there is QAU and no trade-off would be made in such a manner.

They additionally reaffirmed that no trade-off will be made much more than one inch of the genuine right of QAU more than 1709 acres of land, 4 kanals and 12 marlas.

They said that it is very setback that the top-ranked university of Pakistan is confronting a ton of issues including illicit infringement by powerful land mafia.

The graduated class, QAU workforce, and representatives would proceed with their battle till giving more than 1709 acres of land, 4 kanals, and 12 marlas against which college organization had just paid the installment.

Due to the non-resolution of this significant issue, the university is confronting a lot of issues in guaranteeing the wellbeing and security of its premises and starting new improvement ventures, development programs. It is the correct time that this issue ought to be settled immediately. During the gathering, JAC likewise developed a thorough system over the QAU land issue.

By Ahsan Ali

A young motivated person, interested in research and bioenterpreneurship in Pakistan.