
On Friday night, a hitherto unknown Kenyan man Alex Ndiritu asked Americans to burn the White House down in the wake of protests against the killing of George Floyd, a civilian.

Mr. Ndiritu was commenting on a Facebook live post from Nyeri. His rural home.

The comment that he left behind a video of protests in Minneapolis went viral with alarmed Americans tagging the CIA, the FBI and the Secret Service.

American comedian and actor Terrence Williams brought the matter to the fore after he re-posted a screenshot of the comment.

He asked the American security agencies to be on the lookout.

“THEY ARE THREATENING TO BURN DOWN THE WHITE HOUSE! We must Protect President Trump and his Administration. All threats must be taken seriously Alex Ndiritu. Please RT to inform the FBI, Secret Service and the CIA,” Terrence wrote on Twitter.

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His Tweet, in a matter of hours, was retweeted a mind-boggling 8,000 times and had slightly over 9,000 likes.

While concerned Americans were panicking, Kenyans on social media had a field day poking fun at how a Kenyan man stuck in a rural village-on account of the ongoing cessation of movement- had caused panic thousands of miles away.

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