STAFF REPORT LHR: The first ever Foundry Service Center (FSC), to be constructed by Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority, in collaboration with the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) and Pakistan Foundry Association (PFA), would start operations during the last quarter of this year.

“The FSC project was designed by SMEDA on demand of the PFA at the cost of Rs.179-40 million. The land for this project was provided by UET, whereas, the funds were obtained by SMEDA from Ministry of Industries, government of Pakistan under Public Sector Development Programme,” Project Director informed a tripartite meeting held here last week.

The meeting was attended by Lt. Gen. (Retd) Mohammad Akram Khan, Vice Chancellor UET, Khurram Khan, GM-Central Support SMEDA, while PFA team was led by the renowned industrialist Sikandar M. Khan.

The FSC would provide the full range of services for development of foundry industry which include design pattern shop, prototype development section, testing and inspection laboratories, technical advisory section and the training facilities.

Later, the participants of meeting took a round of the FSC and examined the work completed so far and set targets for the remaining work.

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