Urban Settlement program launched by NCPC and EPA

National Cleaner Production Center (NCPC) has launched an urban settlement program with the help of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Urban Settlement program launched by NCPC and EPA

National Cleaner Production Center (NCPC) as a team with UN-Habitat, Ministry of Climate Change (MOCC) are launching an urban settlement program in Dhok Hassu and Dhok Mangtal to adapt to the danger of COVID-19 pandemic flare-up

The Pillars of the Program included mass awareness and support/conduct change and correspondence, COVID – 19 Healthcare Preventive Measures, Creation of Income Generating Opportunities, Skill Enhancement, and Training, a public statement said.

Different partners working together for the venture were Sheher Saaz, Rawalpindi Waste Management Company (RWMC), AHKMT, EPA Rawalpindi, and UET Taxila.

NCPC would give masks, sanitizers, and waste containers for the neighborhood inhabitants of the region. The waste isolated containers would be introduced at six better places to gather the pre-owned veils and gloves in help to battle the test of waste administration.

NCPC and EPA Rawalpindi were at that point assuming a vital job to battle with the savage pandemic by dispersing masks and sanitizers in emergency clinics, lodging states, oil and gas division, traffic superintendents and network and so on.

“Handwashing offices will be introduced for the image of cleanliness so as to shield from COVID-19. So as to facilitate the monetary limitations of the occupants of the territory, pay age openings will be made for ladies of the zone by the sewing of masks which will be moved up to the creation of safety suits in the following stage,” it included.

By Ahsan Ali

A young motivated person, interested in research and bioenterpreneurship in Pakistan.