Use Telemedicine app Sehat Kahani during lock down in Pakistan

Telemedicine company Sehat Kahani which is owned by two female doctors, Dr Sara Saeed and Dr Iffat Zafar in Pakistan trying to help citizens of Pakistan by providing medical assistance and guidance.

Use Telemedicine app Sehat Kahani during lock down in PakistanWhen Coronavirus is prowling to take on Pakistanis, technology of Telemedicine can play immense role during lockdown in Pakistan by helping many patients who are in trouble.

The trend of utilizing telemedicine app very common globally and right now under this critical situation, many doctors are able to connect with patients who can be treated at home for primary care ailments.

Telemedicine company Sehat Kahani which is owned by two female doctors, Dr Sara Saeed and Dr Iffat Zafar in Pakistan trying to help citizens of Pakistan by providing medical assistance and guidance.

Sehat Kahani is a telemedicine platform that connects female doctors to patients using a network of e-clinics in low income communities and via a mobile application for corporate and consumers.

Sehat Kahani has joined hands with Digital Pakistan led by Tania Aidrus to combat Coronavirus by using The Sehat Kahani Telemedicine App. This App will connect any patient who is in need of advice, counseling and education on Covid19 from qualified PMDC licensed female doctors 24/7.

This service is free of cost for users till three months so that maximum patients can connect to a female doctor while maintaining social distancing, isolation and quarantine during Coronavirus outbreak.

CEO Digital Pakistan Tania Aidrus has valued the efforts done by Sehat Kahani and has request to more telemedicine providers to join the cause.