surveySTAFF REPORT IBD: The PTA recently carried out the second nationwide Broadband QoS Survey of all wireless and wire-line service providers throughout the country during third and fourth quarter of 2011.
During the survey the already devised Quality of Service (QoS) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in consultation with service providers were measured.
These are network availability, service availability, download and upload bandwidth speed, round-trip time, contention ratio and retention.
It is worthwhile to note that higher the bandwidth of download/upload speed and retain-ability and lower the round trip time and contention ratio, higher is the service quality is considered superior.
With the 1Mbps broadband package of wireless broadband service providers rating Wateen Telecom has been placed in category-A at Lahore and Rawalpindi and category-B at Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar; Qubee and WorldCall are also in category-A at Lahore and category-B at Karachi; Wi-Tribe is in category-B at Rawalpindi while PTCL has been placed in category-A at Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar and Quetta and in category-B at Karachi.

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