Aquaponic is a combination of two words, Aqua – water and Phoenix – Farm in a box. “Aquaponics an environment-friendly, natural food growing method to facilitate the cultivation of fish and plants together in a constructed, re-circulating ecosystem utilizing natural bacterial cycles to convert fish wastes to plant nutrients. “So it is also called as recirculation farming.”

Aquaponic is a combination of two words, Aqua - water and Phoenix - Farm in a box

Recirculation farms are a socially responsible farming method and business too. They support the use of renewable energy, recycle water and waste, and provide local food. Aquaponic systems are much more productive and use up to 90 per cent less water than conventional gardens. Other advantages include no weeds, fewer pests, and no watering, fertilizing, bending, digging or heavy lifting etc.

There are different types of aquaponic like Media Bed – (using a substance such as lava rocks or other medium other than soil for raising plants and bacteria) Raft- (using foam boards with cutouts to place planter pots floating in fish water) and NFT – Nutrient Film Technique – (using PVC pipes or similar materials with cutouts for plants using a continuous flow of water).

Fish and plants are grown in a symbiotic balance. Wastes from the fish provide nutrients for the plants, and in turn the plants filter the water for the fish. It is a revolutionary combination of the best of aquaculture and hydroponics and an amazingly fun and easy way to raise fish together with organic vegetables, greens, herbs and fruits.

This project was inspired by the escalating food costs due to a poor economy, the undesirable genetic modifications of produce, an indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the growing processes of most our food, the growing shortage of clean agricultural land that has not been contaminated by excessive fertilizer use and other pollutants.

The lawn hydroponics systems very easily, just few space of lawn is important to get even major expertise and equipment is not necessary to arrange.

We simply need an aquarium with fish or any aquatic animal like tortoise etc. as a living creature aquatic animal utilise food and its metabolism produces waste material bacteria breakdown aquatic animals waste products into plant nutrients in the water.

The water is then used to irrigate the plants. It takes a month or so for the fish/bacteria system to establish itself. Then suitable environments build for growth of aquatic plant successfully. The plants use the nutrients and keep the water for the fish clean.

This food cycle continues and provides food to both aquatic animals and plants, give necessary gases to both living creatures and resultant a complete hydroponic system builds. So the cycle continues – crops are constantly harvested and the system feeds and watering itself in a sustainable ecosystem approach to food production.

Surround the system with a greenhouse; add ladybirds and other beneficial insects in crops area so that they help in the production of decomposition and a microcosm are born that decay material.

Growing your own food by using natural and harmless materials is the best way to improve environment and all other living and non-living factors. Because if we grow our own food, we must know which type of compost we are using.

In this way our soil is getting no harm which further benefits us in food chain reactions, Growing food locally and naturally without the use of harmful pesticides and chemical fertilizers is an interesting thing from both economically and environmental point of view.

No soil is needed and water conservative method, the water stays in the system and can be reused thus lowers water costs. Once a biological balance is achieved, it is self-sustaining, and only requires the fish to be fed. In this established ecosystem each part is dependent on other, must carefully combine the amount and number of fish, bacteria, and plant material so that this balance is achieved.

Too many fish will lead to muddy water that will not support the fish, and not enough fish will fail to provide enough food for the plants. Without enough bacteria, the fish waste will not be converted into food for the vegetables.
No nutrition pollution is released to the environment because of the controlled system and no herbs cause damage or negative impact on crops or plants.

They produce healthy, enriched anti-oxidant food. These antioxidants are also vital for preventing or fighting many types of cancer.

Stable and high yields, flowers, fruits, herbs, and vegetables can all be successfully grown by this method. It is also an ideal method to use for creating a wildlife garden in the backyard to enjoy the natural beauty the nature can only provide, while at the same time benefit the environment.

Pests and diseases are easier to get rid of than in soil because of the container’s mobility. No pesticide damage, hydroponics without the need to discard any water or filtrate or add chemical fertilizers.

This highlights how farms are not only increasingly supplying restaurants and grocery stores with food, but also are helping to feed the homeless, and others that don’t have access to fresh, healthy food around the world.

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