Smart Shoes for the Blind people made by Pakistani tech student

Bright young student of Information Technology (IT) from Faisalabad has invented an amazing gadget to help the visually impaired by invented smart shoes.

Smart Shoes for the Blind people made by Pakistani tech studentPakistan is filled with individuals who strive hard to make others lives easier by contributing their innovative thoughts to it. The innovation came in as a part of the student’s recent university project

The smart idea can ease many lives globally if proper support and financial help are provided by the authorities.

As per the details of smart shoes, the manufacturing cost of the shoes has estimated up to Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 12,000. The created design will be able to detect and alarm of any hurdle coming their way within a defined radius of 200 centimeters.

The smart shoes have a built-in vibration sensor that will alert the wearer in case of any upcoming blockage.

Aim of the mastermind Shanza Munir is to help the blind visually impaired on a much larger scale if the authorities show interest. Indeed, the amazing innovation might become the next big thing in the field of IT and can comfort many among the masses.

If the production is done on a larger scale, the manufacturing cost will also reduce along with the selling price of the shoes.