UNIDO promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy in Pakistan

A consultative workshop was held in Islamabad for the development of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Cluster in Pakistan. This workshop was held under the auspices of project of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO): Sustainable Energy Efficiency for Industries.

UNIDO promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy in PakistanHonorable Managing Director of National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency (NEECA), who was the chief guest at the occasion on behalf of Ministry of Energy, Government of Pakistan, appreciated the efforts of UNIDO and specially mentioned about UNIDO’s efforts in promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in the industrial sector of Pakistan.

He described the activities of NEECA and their upcoming activities for the promotion of energy efficiency in Pakistan.  He said that NEECA would be very eager to collaborate with UNIDO for formation of Cluster, keeping the provincial energy departments on board as well for the success of this cluster.

The representative of Punjab Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency (PEECA) Mr. Abdur Rehman described the importance of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency and their projects especially project of solarizing all the Universities in Punjab. Also Mr. Agha Hassan from Balochistan energy department highlighted the large untapped resource in the province of Baluchistan that can be tapped. He showed enthusiasm for his department to be involved in the cluster program and hoped to get support from UNIDO and PEECA.

Officer In Charge of UNIDO Pakistan Mr. Badar ul Islam welcomed chief guest and other participants on the behalf of UNIDO Country Representative.

He elaborated the overall role and activities of UNIDO in the context of industrial development and particularly mentioned about the cluster based activities of UNIDO for the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy in Pakistan. UNIDO team described the activities of the project and purpose of this session.

He explicitly mentioned about the project’s activities linking the need of the Cluster development with all the project interventions taken so far.

He highlighted the strategic importance of this cluster initiative, especially in reference to the taken initiatives taken by UNIDO for its sustainability.

A large number of participants from Industry, Public and Private sector, Academia, Financial Institutions, International organization, regulatory authorities were present in the event.

The stakeholder sessions started with the discussion on determining the role of Public sector in development and sustainability of the R3E cluster at National and Provincial level. Participants also conducted group discussions on assessing and aligning the needs of the industry and how the R3E cluster could add value through providing effective support to Industry in terms of implementing RE & EE technologies and approaches. The structural model and sustainable approach was also discussed.

The session ended with remarks from the Project Manager Dr. Carlos Chanduvi who specially spoke from Vienna, thanked the participants and talked a little bit on the global perspective and strategic importance of cluster initiative.