China's Development

Organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the international symposium themed “China’s Development and Opportunities for the World”, was held in Beijing. The forum attracted well-known scholars from around the world under one roof.

China's Development

Proficient experts, scholars from various fields, such as social sciences, science and technology and shared their visions, mission and diverse perspectives on different topics .

Gao Xiang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) vice-president, attended and addressed the group at the opening ceremony. In his worthy speech, Gao said Chinese development fits its all national conditions, which paves the way for the miracle of development.

Reform and opening-up since 1978 has given dynamic impetus to Chinese development; meanwhile, China has contributed more than 30 percent to world economic growth over the past several years, and has become a significant propeller of global economic growth, Gao xiang added.

Gao Xiang CASS VC also stated that with multi-polarization and economic globalization, China will enhance cooperation and coordination with other countries to promote connectivity and miracle of development.

The Belt and Road (BRI) Initiative, especially, has improved the facilitation of infrastructure, trade and investment, and has benefited the world.