FCCU launched Diploma in Food Security Management

At the launch of Forman Christian College’s Food Security Management Diploma Program, School of Life Sciences (SLS) recently held a consultative meeting at FCCU.

FCCU launched Diploma in Food Security ManagementThis program is being offered by SLS in collaboration with Centre for Public Policy and Governance (CPPG), School of Management (SoM) and Departments of Economics and Sociology.

The 6-months interdisciplinary Postgraduate Professional Diploma is being developed in collaboration with several stakeholders including Govt. Departments of Agriculture, Food and Livestock, Food Industry, CropLife Pakistan Association, UN agencies (FAO, WFP, UNDP) and the World Bank.

The representatives from all stakeholders participated in the consultative meeting to discuss the themes and curriculum of the program.

Food security encompasses food availability, affordability and accessibility. These are diverse components that require an interdisciplinary approach to tackle them.

Thus, there is a dire need for trained specialists who are proficient in the subject of food availability, modern technologies, marketing and supply chain, as well as the different regulatory procedures and protocols governing food affordability and accessibility in the realm of sustainable agriculture.

The features of this 6 months Diploma Program are: Global Food Security and Safety related to SDGs; Public Policy for Food Security; Overview of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation System of Pakistan; Malnutrition and various interventions including SUN; Food Security, Water and Energy nexus; Supply Chain Management, Farm to Fork; Regulatory Laws for Food, agriculture and livestock, Climate Change and its impact on Agriculture and Sanitary & Phytosanitary system (SPS).

This program is particularly focused on in-service professionals who want to upgrade their skills.

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