LinkedIn roll out its response reactions options

Eventually, every social platform is starting to look and feel similar. Now LinkedIn has officially announced the arrival of the tool, which looks exactly like Facebook’s response option.

LinkedIn roll out its response reactions optionsLinkedIn’s first tests of its own variation of Reactions, the Facebook emoji response tool which provides a quick and easy way to express more than just a Like on a post.

As explained by LinkedIn: One of the things we regularly hear from all of you is that you want more expressive ways than a “Like” to respond to the variety posts you see in your feed.

At the same time, you’ve also told us that when you post on LinkedIn, you want more ways to feel heard and understand why someone liked what you said.

That’s why today we’re starting to roll out a set of Reactions on LinkedIn, giving you more ways to quickly and constructively communicate with one another.”

LinkedIn has also provided a full overview of its process for choosing its Reactions, which essentially came down to providing responses that corresponded with the most common 1-2 word comments being used on the platform, and what types of posts members were sharing most.

“We analyzed our feedback channels including comments on LinkedIn and social media. We regularly heard members saying “I need a Love reaction.”

Is that a good thing? I guess it means that learned, habitual behavior can be utilized across each platform, which may make it easier to adapt to each. But it also feels like maybe we’re losing something in the mix.

Regardless, the truth will be in the usage – if it helps increase LinkedIn engagement, then it’s a good move for the platform.