Google hosted WTM'19 to laud high-tech women

Google Developer Group (GDG) hosted a Women Techmakers (WTM’19) event in Islamabad on 13th April, 2019 to celebrate women in technology.

Google hosted WTM'19 to laud high-tech women

The intention at the back of the event is to rejoice the accomplishments of women in the high-tech community. Confer to that, Google’s Women Techmakers program provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology.

The unique platform embraced stories of female designers, developers and budding technology entrepreneurs. Women from all domains can attend the event for a very sole experience. The event let them women to not only socialize but also stumble on like-minded people and encourage others.

WTM’19 conference will have plenty of mentoring sessions and networking opportunities. The event provides implausible learning experience with sessions like:

A technical workshop on Google Cloud technologies and blossom in a cloud-first workplace. Another important #IamRemarkable workshop is an initiative by Google for empowering women in the workplace and beyond and many other informative and groomed sessions.

The platform also facilitates the networking brunch; perk up the ability to meet new people. Learn to give an “elevator pitch” to introduce yourself to new-fangled populace and to emphasize your key qualities.

Remarkable lighting talks by amazing speakers who will be share their experiences in their concerned fields to bolster the women in their perspective eon to flourish ahead.