FAO & SDC to brace report on food security in Pakistan

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) inked an agreement to develop the first national State of Food Security and Nutrition in Pakistan (SOFI) report.

FAO & SDC to brace report on food security in Pakistan

The SOFI report will endow timely and accurate data to the government to enable it to make informed and evidence-based decisions by monitoring food supply, demand and other key indicators for assessing the overall food security situation.

FAO representative in Pakistan Mina Dowlatchahi said the strategic partnership between FAO and SDC would strengthen national capacities for managing and utilizing food security-related information.

Head of Cooperation of SDC Daniel Valenghi highlighted the importance of implementation of effective policies to improve food security in Pakistan.

The agriculture sector contributes 19.8 per cent of Pakistan’s GDP and employs 42 per cent of the workforce. However, the country’s growing population and adverse climatic conditions have placed an increasing pressure on national food production in the country.

Confer to that, through SOFI report the government can easily comprehend where to take significant measures to propel the food and nutrition safely in Pakistan.