World's largest bee 'Flying Bulldog' refound

Flying bulldog, roughly the size of a human thumb known to be the world’s largest bee has been rediscovered in a remote part of Indonesia after nearly 40 years.

World's largest bee 'Flying Bulldog' refound

A giant bee known as Megachile pluto nicknamed ‘flying bulldog’, lives in the Indonesian island and makes its nest in termite mounds to collect sticky resin which helps protect its home from the termites.

The Wallace’s giant bee was discovered in the 19th century by British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace. The insect had not been observed in the wild since 1981 despite its conspicuous size, said the Global Wildlife Conservation.

The flying bulldog bee was listed as a ‘vulnerable’ species by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species which means the numbers are relatively solid, however, the sparseness of its population, makes it hard to study.