Peach juice a vital drink for healthy lifestyle

Apart from having a deliciously sweet and sour taste, peach is packed with minerals and vitamins. The fruit is low in calories and have a rich source of micro elements like zinc, manganese, sulfur, and iron.

Peach juice a vital drink for healthy lifestyle

Daily intake of one glass of raw peach juice enables the body to have a larger nutrient serving quickly. It not just improves overall health of body but also play vital role in boosting immunity and protect from several health issues. It provides many health benefits, that can improve healthy lifestyle.

Nutritional composition:

(For a cup serving size)



Vitamin A


Vitamin B6














Botanical name of peach is Prunus Persica. It is considered important fruit for medicinal purpose and also promotes overall health of body. The fruit is available in super market throughout the year.

Major health benefits:

Prevent cancer

Despite having a smaller number of antioxidants, peach juice also contains high amount of lutein, lycopene, vitamin E, beta-carotene and vitamin C. The compounds in all these nutrients have qualities to suppress tumors which makes the juice anticarcinogenic and lower the risk of cancer.

On the contrary, taking high quantity of antioxidant may increase the risk of developing cancerous cells by 17%. Researchers proved that large amount of vitamin E and β-carotene in blood helps the immune system to fight against cancer.

Good for cardiovascular health

According to a research, the amount of  vitamin C, iron and potassium in the juice are ideal to prevent heart diseases. If we talk about Iron, Iron ensures regular blood circulation to support the process of oxygenation, while potassium decreases strain and tension of blood vessels and Vit. C protects tissues and arteries from damage by speeding up the process of healing. The overall process decreases the risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis and stroke.

Prevent aging

If this juice is consumed on daily basis, it can refresh body skin to look much fresher and younger. It has anti-aging properties which helps to decrease wrinkles on the skin and remove free radicals. Its skin wonders do not end here as it restores inflammatory conditions and enhances the skin glow.

Weight loss

Everyday intake of peach juice helps to reduce weight. According to a study the nutritional value of peach fruit, it only contains 60 calories that makes it a unique weight-loss diet. You can take almost every essential nutrient and also can keep lower calories count by drinking one glass of peach juice.

Boosts immunity

It also works as a good source of defense when it comes to strengthening immunity.  It provides a high level of antioxidants along with a variety of vitamins like Vitamins B complex, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C which fight foreign pathogens that can infect body.

Improve vision

It contains higher amount of β-carotene which helps the retina to reduce oxidative stress as a result, slowing down the process of cataracts with the passage of time and It also prevents degeneration of molecules (in eyes) to improve vision.

Treats inflammatory conditions

Peach juice have excellent quality to cure some inflammatory conditions like arthritis, gout, migraines. To prevent some allergic reactions, it contains many minerals and antioxidants which helps to reshape tissues and control the release of histamine. On the side, its too much intake may cause allergies like tongue, mouth swelling and throat.

Regulate sleep cycle

Drinking a glass of peach juice before sleeping can have comforting effects and makes drowsy or doze off into a peaceful sleep. According to this special quality, some scientists trust that peach juice helps to regulate sleep cycle because of its sedative qualities. Certain minerals and enzymes play an important role in sleep hormones balancing.

Combats digestive problems 

Large amount of alkaline are present in peach juice that treats gastritis, constipation, heaviness, stomach, flatulence and nausea. Drinking of peach juice daily works as a remedy which fights against digestive problems, caused by headache, menopause, stress, anxiety and  some other conditions.

Improves kidney functions

The diuretic and laxative properties of peach juice can stimulate the functions of urinary bladder and kidney. According to recent studies daily intake of peach juice can reduce the chances of many kidney diseases (nephritis).  Moreover, peach juice also helps to eliminate toxins and to dissolves kidney stones.

Stabilize blood circulation

According to some recent studies, peach juice is a catalyst which promote regular flow of blood, resulting in decrease cholesterol level. High blood pressure patients can maintain their blood pressure level by taking a one serving (250 ml) of peach juice in their everyday diet. Thus, consumption of this juice reduces the risk of anemia, mayo cardinal infection treats deficiency of iron.

Side effects of peach juice:

Drinking of peach juice is an good way to protect our health but if we drink too much juice, it may cause side effects, like stomach upset, fatigue, diarrhea and allergic reactions. These side effect occurs when we drink large amount of juice.


Peach juice is a good source of micro chemicals and stimulating nutrients in the body. It has an unbelievable healing power and can also be made a part of our everyday diet and can be prepared in just ten minutes. It can treat many symptoms related to digestion, skin problems and cardiovascular.

Authors: Muhammad Hassan*, Syed Shoaib Bukhari, Muhammad Asif Abrar *M.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

By Muhammad Hassan

Food Technologist