World Cancer Day 2019

World Cancer Day is celebrated across the globe on 4th February with a three year global theme “I Am and I Will” to raise awareness and educate people how to fight cancer through screening and early detection. 

World Cancer Day 2019

To reduce the global burden of cancer all communities and stakeholders need to make personal commitment towards its prevention and bringing down the numbers. As, cancer is the second most important cause of death globally and is estimated to account for 9.6 million death in 2018.

According to WHO, Lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach and liver cancer are the most common types of cancer in men, while breast, colorectal, lung, cervix and thyroid cancer are the most common among women.

Effective awareness campaign against cancer is very important to efficiently treat this crippling disease. The government of Pakistan is providing facilities for cancer patients. Shaukat Khanum Cancer hospital is a consummate medical facility for patients in this context. 

Cancer is a critical health and human issue, so it’s time to create a future without cancer. By creating awareness through campaigns, activities.

Few articles from Technology Times on World Cancer Day:

Detection and treatment of lungs cancer

CAR-T treatment – modern way to cure Cancer

RNA nanoparticles new generation drug for cancer therapy

Upcoming Challenges and New Advancements in Cervical Cancer

Young Age Breast Cancer: Diagnostic approaches and management