Epic Games Store Reopens Doors To Blockchain And Web3 Games

The Epic Games Store, renowned for its association with Fortnite, has made a strategic decision to once again welcome blockchain and Web3 games onto its platform.

Epic Games Store Reopens Doors To Blockchain And Web3 Games

The Epic Games Store, renowned for its association with Fortnite, has made a strategic decision to once again welcome blockchain and Web3 games onto its platform.

The digital storefront had initially implemented a policy excluding games receiving an “Adults Only” (AO) rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), particularly those involving blockchain due to potential real-money exchange possibilities.

However, a recent shift in policy has led to the readmission of blockchain and non-fungible token (NFT) games, with the condition that these games adhere to existing guidelines prohibiting content related to pornography, gambling, and hate.

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has classified some blockchain games as “Adults Only” (AO) due to the potential for players to exchange digital currency for real money within the game. As a response, the Epic Games Store initially imposed a blanket ban on all games with an AO rating. However, the recent policy change now allows exceptions for blockchain and NFT games, signaling a more nuanced approach to their inclusion on the platform.

Notably, this modification has resulted in the reinstatement of two previously excluded games, Unchained Gods and Striker Manager 3, into the Epic Games Store. Immutable, the developer of Gods Unchained and a layer 2 Ethereum expansion, welcomed this change and sees it as a recognition of the growing significance of blockchain technology in the gaming industry.

Immutable issued a statement expressing its satisfaction with Epic Games’ policy decision:

“We are pleased with Epic Games’ policy decision, and Gods Unchained has relisted on their store. This policy change shows that the space recognizes the experience of web3 gaming, and we are one step closer to adoption.”

The acknowledgment from Epic Games Store reflects a broader industry trend recognizing the potential of blockchain and NFTs in gaming. As the gaming sector continues to evolve, incorporating innovative technologies like blockchain is becoming more mainstream.

While Epic Games Store opens its doors to blockchain and Web3 games, other digital distribution platforms, such as Steam, have maintained a blanket ban on such games since 2021. Despite the restrictions on Steam, developers are finding creative ways to launch crypto-related games on this leading storefront, highlighting the persistent interest and innovation in the blockchain gaming space.

The move by Epic Games Store aligns with the ongoing exploration of the possibilities that blockchain and NFTs bring to the gaming industry. These technologies offer unique opportunities for players to truly own in-game assets, participate in decentralized economies, and experience new forms of gameplay. As more platforms adapt to this shift, it is expected that blockchain and NFT games will continue to gain traction, providing players with immersive and innovative gaming experiences.

The evolving landscape of blockchain integration in the gaming sector signals a promising future where technology and creativity intersect, unlocking new possibilities and reshaping the gaming experience for players around the world. Epic Games Store’s decision to revisit its policies demonstrates a proactive approach to staying at the forefront of industry trends and catering to the diverse interests of its user base.