The topic of aliens and UFOs is very interesting, but is it real? Do aliens exist? Well, it would be strange if such a vast universe were empty and only we were here all alone.

Is there life on other planets? Is there an intelligent life form out there in the universe? Has an extraterrestrial ever visited us? Were there other intelligent beings on Earth before us? Will we ever be able to reach another life form? These and many more questions like this often strike the minds of human beings. The topic of aliens and UFOs is very interesting, but is it real? Do aliens exist? Well, it would be strange if such a vast universe were empty and only we were here all alone.

“There are two possibilities:

  • Either we are alone in the universe


  • We are not alone in the universe.

Both are equally terrifying.”

But there is more than just logic to believing in aliens and UFOs. There are many ancient as well as modern abduction cases and other close encounter cases. Some cases are authentic, while the truth about others is blurry. Before jumping to any conclusions, we should first discuss some aliens and UFOs encounter cases.

Case #1: Kenneth Arnold’s Encounter (1947)

On June 24, 1947, just before 3 o’clock in the afternoon, Kenneth Arnold was flying over the Cascade Mountains searching for the remains of a lost C-46 for which a $5000 reward had been offered. Arnold never found the missing aircraft, but what he did see put his name in newspapers all over the world. He made a 180-degree turn into Mineral, Washington, when a bright flash of light startled him.

During the next 30 seconds, he frantically searched the sky for its source. Then he saw another flash to his left; when he looked in that direction, Arnold spotted nine objects, the lead one at a higher elevation than the rest, streaking south over Mount Baker towards Mount Rainier. He calculated their speed at 1700 miles per hour (2735.885 km per hour).

Arnold later wrote: “They were flying diagonally in an echelon formation with a larger gap in their echelon between the first four and the last five.” The lead object looked like a dark crescent; the other eight were flat and disc-shaped. After two and a half minutes, they disappeared, heading south over Mount Adams. There were as many as 18 other sightings of strange flying objects in the Pacific Northwest on that same June 24.

Case #2: Barney and Betty Hill’s Abduction Case (1961)

The Barney and Betty Hill abduction case is a very famous abduction case. Barney and Betty Hill sighted a pancake-shaped UFO with a double row of windows on the evening of September 19, 1961, while driving home to Portsmouth through rural New Hampshire.

They stopped, and Barney got out to have a better look. As the UFO tilted towards him, he saw six uniformed beings inside. They got frightened and sped away, but soon they heard a series of beeps, their vehicle started vibrating, and they felt drowsy.

The next thing they knew, they were hearing beeps again, and the UFO was gone. When they arrived home, they were two hours later than expected. Somehow, Hills have lost two hours of their lives!

They stated that when they reached home, they were experiencing some odd sensations and impulses that they could not explain. Their watches never worked again. They claim that they tried to recall the events from the sighting to reaching home, but as they claim, their memories, immediately after they heard the buzzing sounds, became incomplete and fragmented.

After getting some sleep, Betty removed her shoes and clothes, and they were irreparably damaged. She kept that dress and shoes in her closet. There were also shiny concentric circles on their car that were not present before. When the compass was brought near the circles, it started to whirl rapidly, and when they moved it away from the spots, it dropped.

After the event, they had disturbing dreams and faced various problems. This made them seek psychiatric help. They consulted Dr. Benjamin Simon. They went into hypnosis to recall the event.

Barney’s Sessions: 

Under his hypnosis, he recalled rushing the car away from the UFO, but he said he was compelled to pull off the road and drive into the woods. He saw six beings standing there. He explained the figures the same way as Betty’s hypnotic recollection. Barney claimed that they talked to him a few times through mind transference (telepathy).

Betty’s Sessions:   

Under hypnosis, Betty recalled the event, which was similar to her five dreams about the UFO abduction except that her capture and release moments had notable differences.

There were several other differences regarding the technology of the craft, the physical appearance of other beings, and the sequential order of abduction.

Both Barney and Betty experienced separate medical examinations on the craft. Barney and Betty’s memories under hypnosis were remarkably similar.

Case #3: Roswell Incident (1947)

This incident has been described as “the world’s most famous, most exhaustively investigated, and most thoroughly debunked UFO claim.”

In July of 1947, the owner of a ranch, “Mac Brazel,” saw some strange debris (tin foil, rubber, paper, etc.) running from one hilltop to another and running down to the other side. The night before, Brazel heard some explosion-like sound (like the crash of an aircraft), but since it was a rainstorm, he did not look into the cause.

The debris were nothing like what he would recognise; they were extremely light but very tough. Brazel reported it to the sheriff in Roswell. The sheriff called Roswell Army Air Field. The government took immediate interest. This news of the crash of a flying saucer was printed in the newspaper as a headline.

But soon after, the authorities claimed the crashed craft was a weather balloon!

In 1947, Jesse Marcel was the intelligence officer at the Roswell air base. He was assigned to investigate the crashed aircraft. Before taking the pieces of the crashed disc to Hangar 84, he stopped at his house to show them to his wife and son. His son, Jesse A. Marcel Jr., says:

“That July night in Roswell was one I will never forget because of the uniqueness of it. It marked the dividing point in my life before and after the event. I was sound asleep; it was like 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning, and my dad came in the bedroom and woke me up and said, “Come here, Jesse, I’ve got something I want you to see.” He was really excited, so I knew that whatever it was, it must be pretty important.

He went over, came at her, and got her up. He had prepositioned some debris on the floor of the kitchen, and then he said, “This is flying saucer material’. Then there were like I-beam fragments, and on their surface, there was, I thought, hieroglyphic writing. I say, “What is this?!”

When Jesse Marcel was in Texas, Captain Sheridan Duncan Cavitt, his junior ranking officer, filed a report supporting the weather balloon story. Marcel tries to push back and says, “Hey!” That’s not what happened; I need you to rewrite that and tell the true story. Donald Schmitt (Roswell investigator) says: “To which he (Cavitt) responded: “If you don’t like it, take it up with Washington!’

Images of Jesse Marcel were published in which he was holding the debris. In that picture, the debris did appear somewhat like a weather balloon, but his grandson claims that the picture was not taken with the original debris found at the Roswell incident site.

The world was led to believe that Brazel had found the remains of a weather balloon. For decades, only those who were involved in the case knew that it was a lie.

In 1980, Jesse Marcel said in an interview: “One piece of metal, what looked like metal anyway, was not flexible; it was as thin as the foil in the pack of cigarettes. I tried to make a dent in this metal, but it seems you can’t bend it and you can’t make a mark on it.”

Tom Carey and Don Schmitt are seasoned UFO investigators. They have dedicated over 20 years to this story.

Tom Carey says: “What crashed at Roswell was not of this earth!” This has been confirmed to us by scores of witnesses who witnessed the craft and its deceased occupiers! There were up to 5-7 bodies found at three locations, we believe. It wasn’t until a few years ago that we found out that Mac Brazel, who found the original wreckage, also found bodies at a site just a few miles from the debris field.”

Tom and Don talked to witnesses and their children, brothers, and grandchildren, all of whom described bizarrely similar things. Here are the witnesses’ descriptions:

  1. Sappho Handerson (the pilot’s wife): “They were small and had large heads for their size.”
  2. Gerald Anderson (who witnessed bodies at the age of 5): “They had very large heads that were shaped larger at the top and kind of tapered down.”
  3. Glenn Dennis (Roswell mortician): “The heads were very much larger than the body; it was out of proportion for the size of the body they had; their eyes were deeply set back; and the amazing thing about the skulls is that they were kind of flexible and not (metal-like) hard.”
  4. Barbara Dugger (the sheriff’s granddaughter): “And grand-daddy said their heads were large and they had on a little suit; it was like silk or something.”
  5. Katherine Groode (pilot’s daughter): “…and humanoid-looking, but not like us.”

There are not only these claims regarding the aliens found at the Roswell incident, but there is also the testimony of a nurse.

On July 10th, 1947, Glenn Dennis (a Roswell mortician) was called by his nurse friend; she said that she had something very important that she wanted to tell him. Glenn Dennis said:

“She looked like death warmed over. She said you won’t believe what happened, and she said, I’ve never seen anything so gruesome. I said, “Look, you’re a nurse and you’re in this business; you’re going to see a lot of things; you may as well get used to it,” and she said, “No, this isn’t what it is,” and she said, “This is something that no one’s ever seen!’ (24hours earlier) What happened was that she was going to this other room to pick up some supplies. This is where the two doctors, who were in there, were supposedly doing a preliminary autopsy on these bodies.

The doctors said that you’re not going anywhere, and we have to get some help. She said she had never smelled anything so horrible in her life. She said it was the most gruesome and horrible sight she had ever seen. The smell was almost devastating. She said there were three bodies, and two of them were very mangled.”

So after this testimony, we also have claims of fatalities in the crash!

Case #3: Treaties Signed with Aliens

It is believed that President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a peace treaty with an alien race in 1954 that might have allowed for alien abductions. An FBI agent, ‘Ben Hansen,” has investigated this treaty rumour. He talked to the great-granddaughter of President Eisenhower.

Ben Hansen (former FBI agent and UFO investigator): “I’m going to continue my investigation by speaking with Laura Eisenhower, President Eisenhower’s great-granddaughter.”

(On the call.)

Ben: I’ve heard a lot about some rumours that I’m hoping you can either confirm or deny for me. I’m just going to come right out and ask you: Do you believe that your great-grandfather, Dwight D. Eisenhower, signed a treaty with extraterrestrials?

Laura: It’s a true story. What I have learned about Eisenhower’s relationship to extraterrestrial beings and ET-government treaties is that, supposedly, in 1954, there was a meeting at Edwards Air Force Base. They seemed to have diplomatic intentions. The treaties had to do with bartering exchanges of planetary goods: natural resources, elements, and compounds, and they were in exchange for things like abduction.

Ben: Why would they want to abduct humans? What are they doing with them?

Laura: They need our DNA. We have a treasure trove of DNA that is basically a living library.

Laura Eisenhower explains that aliens wish to analyse our DNA in their quest to unlock the secrets of the universe, which they believe are hidden in the DNA of all living creatures!

(At the end of the interview)

Ben: What do you think the government loses by telling the American public and giving full disclosure about these treaties and the abductions? Why are they trying to sweep it under the rug and hide it?

Laura: You’re going to have your well-intentioned people who are trying their best for humanity and who are aware of what’s going on to a certain degree, but they are being heavily stopped from being able to put up disclosure. Plus, what they have to lose is their lives.


So do aliens or UFOs exist or not? Is this all fake? Well, I don’t think that all these cases of aliens or UFOs, each and every testimony, and all these proofs can be fake.

The conclusion about aliens and UFOs can be drawn quite logically. As we see, if anything like this happens—we see an unidentified flying object or some unfamiliar identities, etc.—we are immediately told that it is a hoax, we might be hallucinating, and other things like these.

How can such a vast universe be so empty? How can we be the only ones living in this universe? It’s just like taking a spoonful of water from the ocean and saying that I don’t see any fish, sharks, or other creatures in it, so the ocean must be empty.

After all these cases, claims, conversations, and witness accounts, we can’t say that all of them are lying and that all of these cases of aliens or UFOs are fake and just a hoax. How can so many people be included in these serious, famous, and high-level cases about aliens and UFOs? So I conclude that these cases are true. If these cases are not completely true (unlikely), then at least there is some truth hidden in them.

Further, I leave it to the readers of this article to find out the truth about aliens and UFOs through research on these cases and other cases with likely claims and stories, and I hope that we will find the truth!