PTA, NADRA Sign MoU To Collab On Multi Finger Biometrics

Nishan Pakistan offers a range of services designed to facilitate safe and reliable customer identification and eliminate the risks associated with false identities.

PTA, NADRA Sign MoU To Collab On Multi Finger Biometrics

By introducing Nishan Pakistan, a ground-breaking platform that aims to empower young entrepreneurs and business startups by providing them with secure biometric verification services, the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has made a significant advancement.

NADRA Chairman Tariq Malik announced the beta version’s release for user acceptance testing via Twitter. Nishan Pakistan offers a range of services designed to facilitate safe and reliable customer identification and eliminate the risks associated with false identities. The platform provides a variety of options to meet the diverse needs of businesses and entrepreneurs.

These services include:

Desktop Bio Verification:

By digitally verifying a customer’s biometric data, this service ensures customer identification, allowing businesses to stop fraud and guarantee the reliability of their clients.

Desktop Bio Verification with Data:

This service not only enables businesses to obtain digital verification, but also gives them access to detailed customer information, allowing them to have a thorough understanding of their clientele.

Contactless Bio Verification:

This service enables contactless fingerprint acquisition and matching, taking advantage of the capabilities of smart mobile phones to offer a practical and safe biometric verification solution.

Contactless Bio Verification with Data:

By digitising the entire Know Your Customer (KYC) process, this service advances the customer verification procedure. Businesses can modernise and streamline their customer onboarding processes through contactless KYC, improving efficiency and security.

The introduction of Nishan Pakistan marks a significant milestone in the digital transformation of verification processes. By harnessing the power of biometric technology, NADRA aims to provide startups and young entrepreneurs with cutting-edge tools and resources to facilitate their growth and success.

The Nishan Pakistan platform has a state-of-the-art sandbox and an API gateway that facilitate seamless integration and a positive user experience. Launching the beta version for user acceptance testing is a critical step towards the platform’s full-scale implementation, which has the potential to completely transform how businesses run and give them the tools they need to succeed in the digital age.

Nishan Pakistan offers entrepreneurs and startups across the nation the chance to take advantage of the power of biometric verification, which creates new opportunities for expansion, customer engagement, and secure transactions.