Pakistani Artist Uses AI Tech To Visualize Civilization Of Mohenjo Daro

The 34-year-old was motivated to depict the ancient civilization of Mohenjo-daro and its inhabitants after spending three months learning AI.

Pakistani Artist Uses AI Tech To Visualize Civilization Of Mohenjo Daro

An artist from a small village in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province is making headlines for using cutting-edge technology to depict life in the long-gone civilization of Mohenjo Daro, while the rest of the world is preoccupied with artificial intelligence (AI) avatars of themselves.

Rehmatullah Mirbahar, a computer operator at the Thatta district health department, was taken aback to see his artwork and photographs of Mohenjo Daro receive such a warm reception. He had learned how to use AI tools through websites and YouTube tutorials.

The 34-year-old was motivated to depict the ancient civilization of Mohenjo-daro and its inhabitants after spending three months learning AI. His knowledge of the region’s historical architecture, culture, and religion is gleaned from his own observations and photography in the lost city’s ruins.

Mirbahar explained to media that “I didn’t upload these pictures when I first made them because I didn’t think anyone would like them. I can’t believe how popular they became after I uploaded them, though. The feedback was excellent. I received calls from India as well as calls from Germany and the United States “while working at his computer in a small office at his Makli office complex.

In Mirbahar’s opinion, artificial intelligence was the best option for the project because it could generate results based on information that was readily available online about a location or its inhabitants, and where those results didn’t match reality, a human mind could step in.

“I reimagined everything I could think of about Mohenjo Daro using artificial intelligence. Based on the data it has, it yields results in the range of 50% to 60%, so it requires modification. The faces of people must be examined, their features must be corrected, their colours must be changed, and the remaining modifications must be made with the aid of AI, “the author explained.

“In the future, I will update this to Mohenjo Daro version two because many people “said there should be a river that flows here” and “there should be greenery there.” I’ll make the necessary corrections to this version’s errors, “said Mirbahar.

Mirbahar laughed as he recalled how his parents had chastised him for purchasing a computer nearly two decades earlier because they thought it was a waste of money. “What are you doing? You have done wasteful spending,” he said. “My family scolded me a lot.” However, the artist continued, “But whatever I am today is because of this computer, and my family members are also content.

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The historical seaside city of Banbhore, from which it is thought that the Arab general Muhammad Bin Qasim entered Sindh in the eighth century AD, will be depicted in Mirbahar’s upcoming works.

He also intends to recreate life in Taxila, the ancient capital of Gandhara, which was founded around 1000 BCE, and Makli, the ancient cemetery of the most powerful dynasties between the 14th and 18th centuries. He stated, “I’m working on civilizations outside of Pakistan too. “All these will be [reimagined with AI] in the future.”