Pakistani Girl Joins SGAC As AP Regional Partnership Manager

Medical lab technician and space educator Yumna Majeed has been promoting space awareness among Pakistani students since 2016.

Pakistani Girl Joins SGAC As AP Regional Partnership Manager

Yumna, a Pakistani space girl, has been hired as the AP Regional Partnership Manager by the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC). Medical lab technician and space educator Yumna Majeed has been promoting space awareness among Pakistani students since 2016.

She established the space-education organisation Exploration by Yumna in order to bring the wonders of space into the classroom. She has inspired hundreds of children online through this platform, reaching more than 9500 children through more than 70 sessions in various schools.

Yumna is recognised by Kingdom Valley and Pakistan Super League for giving herself to advance society. “Receiving the HBL PSL Hamaray Heroes 2023 Award powered by Kingdom Valley makes me feel incredibly grateful and humbled. Being acknowledged for my contributions to space education and awareness through Exploration by Yumna is an honour “Yumna said.

“It would not have been possible, Yumna continued, “without the unwavering support of those who have stood by me throughout my journey.”

Yumna was taught by Remco Timmermans, The Social Media Specialist for Space. In her words, “One of the world’s top organisations for astronomy and space outreach is Yumna. She is one of the tenacious, dedicated outreach individuals I know.”

“She is rightfully regarded as a global role model for STEM education in her region. She is entirely self-motivated, always acting morally, occasionally completely in defiance of the odds, but always tenacity and optimism! A true prodigy in her field with a promising future! I wish those who will eventually collaborate with her luck. She truly deserves all of our help in pursuing her education and career goals.”

For her efforts, Yumna received the Diana Award 2021 and the Pride of Pakistan 2022. She received the Asia Pacific Space Leadership Award 2019 and the Global Rising Star 2022 during her two terms as chair of the NPOC Pakistan.

She joined them as a National Coordinator and has since represented Pakistan on numerous international platforms, including the International Astronomical Union, the Space for Art Foundation, and the Space Generation Advisory Council.

Yumna Majeed was chosen by the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs to represent SGD 5, Gender Equality in Space, as part of their travelling exhibition, Space for Our Planet, in 2021.

A global non-governmental, non-profit (US 501(c)3) organisation and network, the Space Generation Advisory Council in Support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications seeks to connect and represent college students and young space professionals, ages 18 to 35, to the UN, space agencies, industry, and academia.

SGAC focuses on five core pillars of activities to connect, grow, and empower members across the world and amplify their voice to the highest levels of government, space agencies, industry, academia, and the UN. It also focuses on boosting the growth and development of underrepresented communities and countries in space.