Drug Delivery Biotechnology, Getting Drugs to Specific Part

MGRC, Kensana Health Canada, and MAHSA University have strategically partnered to conduct R&D on potential biotechnology and phytopharmaceutical products.

Drug Delivery Biotechnology, Getting Drugs to Specific Part

The Malaysian Genomics Resource Centre Bhd (MGRC), Kensana Health Canada, and MAHSA University have strategically partnered to conduct research and development (R&D) on potential biotechnology and phytopharmaceutical products.

The partnership will involve joint R&D on species improvement, identification, formulation, and pre-clinical testing of novel phytocompounds with potential therapeutic and commercial value, according to a statement released by MGRC, a company that specializes in genomics and biopharmaceuticals, on Friday (Feb. 24).

The strategic partnership to conduct R&D on potential biotechnology and phytopharmaceutical products, according to executive director Datuk Alvin Joseph Nesakumar, aims to increase R&D activities using plant-based formulations to produce outcomes that can be commercialized in nations where the use of cannabinoid medications is legal. ”

This year, there are also initiatives to register products containing cannabidiol in Malaysia. The group’s focus on the biopharmaceuticals business for growth and sustainability will be supported by its track record of partnerships and collaborations, the executive said.

“We have the market knowledge and expertise in the distribution of healthcare related products,” he said. He added that the MGRC has the lab tools required to support the R&D initiatives.

Healthcare supplies and services are provided by the Malaysian Genomics Resource Centre Berhad. It offers services for genetic screening, genome sequencing, and analysis. It provides full-service genomics solutions, including genome sequencing, genome analysis, and genetic testing.

Using whole genome sequencing (WGS), any eukaryotic or prokaryotic organism can have its entire genome sequenced. Genomes from plants, animals, bacteria, and people are included in this. As part of its WGS service, it provides both de novo sequencing and resequencing. Services like bioinformatics, trait analysis, and trio sequencing are part of its genome analysis.

Dtect, one of the test panels available for its genetic screening, scans an individual’s deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) for genetic markers. Dtect also conducts genetic testing to look for genetic indicators of negative drug-drug interactions. Through MGRC Healthcare Sdn Bhd, it runs dialysis facilities.