
The speakers at workshop stressed the importance of research and development, technology, and skilled and innovative labour in increasing economic productivity.

The National Productivity Organization (NPO) and the Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Japan held a one-day workshop at the Serena Hotel on Tuesday. The speaker at the economic productivity workshop stressed productivity-led economic growth in Pakistan and the need to increase productivity in the country’s industrial sector.

The speakers at the workshop stressed the importance of research and development, technology, and skilled and innovative labour in increasing economic productivity.

The workshop, titled “APO Vision 2025: Inclusive, Innovation-Led Productivity Growth in the Asia-Pacific,” was co-hosted by the National Productivity Organization (NPO), the Ministry of Industries and Production, and the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) in Tokyo, Japan.

According to experts, Pakistan’s current account deficit is difficult to resolve without increasing exports and foreign investment. He stated that in order to attract exports and foreign investment, productivity and industrial output must be increased.

Meanwhile, businessmen and individualists addressing the audience stated that technology and manpower can play an important role in the country’s productivity.

They stated that currently, non-profit organizations play a critical role in increasing productivity in Pakistan. They stated that collaboration between the NPO and the Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry was critical in terms of increasing productivity in Pakistan at this time.

They stated that through innovation and modern research, all sectors of the country can be developed and that the United States has made progress as a result of innovation. They stated that there is a need to expand information technology to more sectors of the country in order to increase productivity.

Speakers emphasised the importance of innovative thinking in increasing economic productivity and expanding economic opportunities in the country.They stated that automation of the country’s public and private sectors is required for economic productivity and innovation.

Dr. Ali Sajid, a productivity expert, told the audience that industrial and agricultural productivity are critical to the country’s economic growth.

He stated that economic productivity is the primary driver of the country’s long-term economic development. According to Ali Sajid, the country’s productive culture must develop a productive capacity in the industrial sector, on which the NPO must work.

He emphasised the importance of close collaboration between academia and industry in order to boost innovation and productivity.

He stated that political stability stems from economic development, but that politicians must first work for political stability. He stated that there is no such thing as productivity without quality, so industrial and agricultural quality are critical. The developed countries, including America and China, have only created wealth through innovation.

Similarly, our regional countries developed agriculture by increasing agricultural innovation and productivity. He claimed that the lack of industrial productivity was due to a lack of consultation with stakeholders. He stated that Korea, Japan, and Vietnam’s economic development is primarily due to innovation and productivity.

Wajih Ahmed Abbasi, General Manager of NPO, stated on this occasion that NPO was working on bringing the productivity culture to market the country in the global market. He stated that the country is beginning to gain productivity, which is having a positive impact. 

Wajih stated that we are currently working on a productivity drive, and that the role of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as schools, colleges, and universities, is critical in this regard. He gave the private sector of the country is in full cooperation and we are also working on the future vision.

He said that NPO is working on Productivity Vision 2025 which will increase industrial efficiency in the country.