Air Pollution In Metropolitan City, Affecting The Health Of Citizens: Experts

The health experts have issued a warning that people especially those with low immunity must stay indoors and advised that the citizens must remain cautious towards the conditions.

Air Pollution In Metropolitan City, Affecting The Health Of Citizens: Experts

With the outset of winter, the metropolitan city has been engirdled by dusty and dry weather, causing allergic problems in the citizens. The experts said that air pollution in Karachi is highly affecting the health of the citizens and the most affectees are the elderly and children. The increase in environmental pollution has resulted in soaring respiratory diseases, fever, cough, cold, and pneumonia.

The health experts have issued a warning in this regard and said that people especially those with low immunity must stay indoors and advised that the citizens must remain cautious towards the conditions.

The experts also said that air pollution in Karachi is highly affecting the health of the citizens and the most affectees are the elderly and children. The increase in environmental pollution has resulted in soaring respiratory diseases, fever, cough, cold, and pneumonia.

On the other hand, Karachi once again stands second on the list of most polluted cities in the world while Lahore is leading in the chart.

With such a densely populated city, there is always the accompanying high level of vehicles of all types to come along with the citizens. Many bikes, cars and trucks populate the roads, with a large amount of them being far under what would constitute a safe level of pollution output (due to factors such as vehicle age, as well as the fuel they run on). Many of these vehicles would still run on diesel fuel, which can cause far more elevated levels of pollution in the exhaust fumes than their cleaner counterparts often would.

Besides cars and motorbikes, rickshaws running on two stroke engines (a type of engine that has a high-power output to weight ratio, however due to the design nature they often have mixtures of oil as well as fuel in them, thus creating far more pollution that a four-stroke engine) contribute massively to pollution levels.

Other sources include the open burning of refuse and garbage, much of which can contain dangerous materials such as plastic and other synthetic man-made products, as well as organic materials that also releases its own plethora of smoke filled with pollutants. Further contributions come from factory emissions as well as dust from poorly maintained roads and construction sites, which can add heavily to the PM2.5 and PM10 count.

Originally published at Bol News