
The various uses of led screens are now well known worldwide. In fact, an advertising campaign has certainly included in the budget the use (even for hire) of maxi screens installed in strategic places, which reproduce captivating images of promotions, new product launches, brand news or anything else that may be of interest to the audience that falls within the company’s target.

But large led screens, such as ledwall Macropix, thanks to their versatility, are increasingly being used in original ways within the sphere of social media marketing. Think of the Social wall, an increasingly popular tool in events such as fairs, stands, congresses, etc.

What is a Social Wall?

First of all, it is a very powerful communication tool used to increase the involvement of participants in an event, through social networks. The goal is to show social messages connected to the next event in real time. Think of a giant led screen on which images of the dishes prepared during a congress on new cooking techniques scroll. It is easy to understand that this simple tool amplifies the attention of both those who meet and are participating in the event, and those who follow it remotely.

However, not only within an event, but also within businesses and shops in general. Many restaurants have chosen to install screens in their premises, on which real-time images of customers who have purchased products and shared images on social media scroll relevant hashtag.

The use of a social wall for social media marketing

Therefore, the use of cutting-edge technology such as the one proposed by producers who are increasingly attentive to providing product versatility is becoming very popular in the management of social media marketing and, thanks to new developments, there is more and more space to create your own imaginative content and to experiment with original ways to engage the public.

Moreover, not to be underestimated is the aspect according to which, being able to make your brand known also by sharing images on social networks, supported by the brand’s hashtag, exponentially increases the brand reputation. This will consequently increase followers so that each event or new launch of your brand can be followed by a much higher number of subjects (potential customers). And this thanks to a “simple” screen!

How to create an impactful social wall

The first element, almost taken for granted but essential for the final effect to be achieved, is the large led screen. The excellent quality screen will help to make the message captivating thanks to the good resolution and brightness of the images. Necessary then is a media player to connect to the monitor that deals with the display of messages

The third element is software that allows you to manage messages deriving from various social networks, therefore identifying them, moderating them and setting the display methods. The use of led wall screens brings a multitude of advantages and obtains excellent results in terms of engagement and brand reputation. Furthermore, led technology will be an excellent answer not only from an economic point of view but also from an environmental and creative point of view.