Rice hybrid seeds production will enhance China Pakistan agricultural Cooperation, Zhao said

Consul General of China Zhao Shirin said that China will continue to cooperate with Pakistan to develop more new varieties of the best quality bumper rice hybrid seeds.

Rice hybrid seeds production will enhance China Pakistan agricultural Cooperation, Zhao said

Consul General of China Zhao Shirin has said that China will continue to cooperate with Pakistan to develop more new varieties of the best quality bumper rice hybrid seeds. He said this while visiting the head office of Guard Agricultural Research and Services here on Wednesday.

Talking to the CEO and Chairman Pakistan Hi-Tech Hybrid Seed Association Shehzad Ali Malik, Sattar Imtiaz, and Senior Executive Momin Ali Malik, Zhao discussed further strengthening cooperation in the agricultural sector and increasing production per acre in Pakistan. Therefore, while emphasizing on starting more joint research projects on modern scientific lines, he said that Pakistan should benefit from the achievements of China’s private sector in the field of agriculture. He said that there are vast investment opportunities in the agricultural sector.

He said that China is proud that Guard Agricultural Research and Services has developed hybrid rice seeds for the first time in collaboration with Longping Hi-Tech Industries of China. On this occasion, Shahzad Ali Malik said that Guard Agricultural Research and Services is a pioneer in introducing hybrid coarse rice seeds in Pakistan which has developed a new “Extra Long Grain Super Hybrid Rice” seed which can withstand high heat. and whose yield per acre is twice that of normal seed, and it grows twice as long after ripening.

Momin Ali Malik, Senior Executive, said Guard Agricultural Research is working to bring to market seeds that can ensure the prosperity of farmers as well as food security for the country’s growing population. He said that he started a partnership with a Chinese company in 1998 and since then they have been engaged in developing high-yielding varieties that also have the ability to withstand climate change.

He said that if well maintained, the new variety can produce more than 100 maunds per acre. Momin Ali Malik added that the final data is being collected as rice harvesting is still going on at various places.