APEC Energy Forum 2022 on trends in energy transformation, held in Beijing

The Renmin University of China and the Hong Kong Polytechnic have hosted the APEC Energy Forum 2022 in Beijing. Participants discussed energy transformation, innovation, climate finance and biodiversity.

APEC Energy Forum 2022 on trends in energy transformation, held in Beijing

The Renmin University of China and the Hong Kong Polytechnic have hosted the APEC Energy Forum 2022 in Beijing. Participants discussed energy transformation, innovation, climate finance and biodiversity.

APEC economies are under increasing pressure to act on energy transformation. They’re being urged to practice meaningful cooperation in low-carbon development, and promote multilateralism within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

ARMIDA SALSIAH ALISJAHBANA UN Under-Secretary-General speaking at the APEC Energy Forum 2022 said, “Given the importance of this region in the global economy, its success in resolving these challenges will have major bearing on global progress towards UN SDG and the Paris Agreement.”

The seventh UN sustainable development goal stresses the importance of access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy. The shift toward new energy in China has been accelerated in recent years. Its proponents say new energy projects spur industrial innovation and improve livelihoods.

WEI XIAOWEI Director, International Department China’s National Energy Administration “China pursues a green and low-carbon development concept, and President Xi Jinping has set new strategies for energy development. Low-carbon energy transition is our development direction.”

Inter-governmental platforms, technological assistance, and research functions are key to achieve those goals.

MICHAEL WILLIAMSON Energy Official UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific “APEC is setting themselves commendable targets for energy efficiency improvement, and greater use of renewable energy. APEC has a shared goal to improve energy intensity by at least forty-five percent by 2035, relative to 2005 levels. For renewable energy, it is targeted to doubling the share of modern renewable in the energy mix by 2030, relative to 2010,” that was reassured at the APEC Energy Forum 2022

While achievements are welcome, the UN’s latest climate report says far more drastic action is needed if we hope to avert climate disaster. Bi Ran, CGTN, Beijing.

Originally published at CGTN