A number of monetary and financial inducement introduced under policy to persuade private investors have resulted in completion of 35 renewable energy projects with an investment of more than US $ 3.5 billion.

35 renewable energy projects completed costing $3

The government is pursuing development of renewable energy based power projects through private sector on IPP mode under Renewable Energy Policy.

Some wind, solar and bagasse power projects, having an increasing competence of around 2100 MW are in different stages of development which are predictable to be completed by 2022 subject to well-timed ease of use of grid network and tariff.

Energy projects particulars in which, 23 wind power projects of 1185.07 MW cumulative capacities are operational and providing electricity to grid. Six solar projects of 430 MW cumulative capacities are equipped, while Six sugar mills based bagasse co-generation projects of 201.1 MW capacities are also functional.

Several other steps are also being taken by the government to create a attention for foreign investors which include: preparation and approval of bankable standard security agreements (Energy Purchase Agreement and Implementation Agreement) for wind, solar and bagasse co-generation power projects and conducting resource assessment of renewable energy resources in Pakistan.

The detailed ground data based resource assessment of wind, solar and biomass being carried out through support of Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP).

The sources said a study on identifying and mounting renewable energy zones in the country is also underway, RE based Net-Metering is actively being promoted, deployment of solar off-grid solutions particularly in unelectrified villages is being carried out while plan is being come up to electrify energy famished and un-electrified villages in Balochistan through solar and other RE solutions.

Furthermore, all tubewells working on electricity provided by national grid are being premeditated to be shifted to solar power.

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