Chinese scientists say they have succeeded in an experiment that could lead to breakthroughs in fundamental physics, laser test improve satellite navigation and redefine the second as a unit of time.

Chinese team says laser test could improve satellite navigation

Chinese scientists say they have succeeded in an experiment that could lead to breakthroughs in fundamental physics, improve satellite navigation and redefine the second as a unit of time. laser test , The scientists performed the experiment in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in western China. They placed two terminals in laboratories 113km (70 miles) apart. Each terminal was equipped with a laser, a telescope and two optical frequency combs that measure exact frequencies of light. They sent laser pulses carrying information between the two telescopes, allowing them to establish and confirm what time it was.

Previous attempts at sending signals through the open air were limited to a few dozen kilometres, said the research team led by quantum physicist Pan Jianwei at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), writing in the peer-reviewed journal Nature on Wednesday. Scientists need to be able to send signals over long distances to build a global network of optical clocks – ultra-precise time measurement devices that can help improve the accuracy of satellite navigation services. laser test , Optical fibres have been used to send signals over 1,000 km with high precision, according to the Chinese team. But it is difficult to stretch cables between certain locations, so researchers have tried to send signals through the open air.

Source: This news is originally published by scmp

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