Nine eleven a planned story

Equation of nine eleven: It was the beautiful day of 9 September, 2001 in the city of pigeons but nobody know that what is going to happened today.

Nine eleven a planned story

Many innocent lives started their day with a new hope , new dreams but they did not have even an iota of doubt that few glimpses will change the whole scenario of their lives and the whole mankind from Africa to America from the caves of Afghanistan to the man made heavens of America. But in a sudden things will changed and the roaring plane tear the heart of the world bank.

Many people loss their lives in this tragedy .But the story is not yet finished this tragedy open a mystery box that why a big event like nine eleven take place and no official inquiry held in the model state like America. If anyone stand in front of America and says that how the nine eleven happened he was accused of nurturing and justifying terrorism.

After this tragedy without any proper evidences the President of America categorically told the world that this is the radical Islam ,they want to takeover at the world they hate our way of life ,they hate our freedom of life, they hate our democracy , Muslims are like the Nazis of the Germany.

And then anti Islam slogan get the back support of all the so called peace loving countries . Then all the things happened like a bang America and their allies attacked at the Afghanistan just after the three weeks of nine eleven by preferring the war at the table talk .

This explore the hold of America at the world he want to show to the world that what he want he can do without any hesitation. Many times American high officials alarm the countries like Pakistan , Iran, North Korea that if any power of the world stand against the interest of the America the result will be the same like Afghanistan .

And after the attack of America In Afghanistan in which 50000 innocent people crushed like the tin cans the whole propaganda of so called peaceful states start with a lit of fire that is nurtured in America .Then a new war is started in the Iraq by accusing Iraq as the financial and moral supporter of the terrorism . The president of the Iraq Saddam Hussain was punished and hanged .

And the the mission of collecting black water is started America put their clutches at the resources of oil by claiming that the terrorist organization like Dulat Islamia and Al-qaida is gaining all their financial support by selling this oil . Now America have the highest oil reserves then any country of the world. This oil will utilized when the world turn back into the iron age.

Then after the attack of America at Iraq the pet of America Israel started attack against the muslim . Aerial sheroon suddenly started attack at the muslim and then other stack holder jumped in and Russia started following the same thing as America is doing Mr Peuton attacked at the muslim of cheechnia and in the same way Indian army started the war in Kashmir and killed many muslims.

Now lets explore the terrorism ,In India Tamil tigers blown their self by the bombs all they were the Hindus no one blame Hinduism as a terrorist religion . In Burma budhist slaughtered many of the muslim like animals. No one blamed budhism as a terrorist religion .

In the second world war Hittler killed million of jews and he was not a muslim he was a christian no one blamed christanity as a terrorist religion. So why all the tender holders of peace says islam is a terrosrist religion .

America is dictating the muslims that terrorism is not allowed in islam we all know that Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W) was the symbol of peace . Islam told us not to harm the women ,old citizens and kids in the war not to destroy the crops and the gardens 1400 years ago and now united nations and America make this rule .

we are not violating the rules , we know about islam, we all know about the cover of the America , America killed 50000 people in the Afghanistan can we say you as a terrorist. In the same way America killed million of people in Iraq , Vietnam, Japan and at the end of the day he says himself as a peace loving nation .

I want to say that nine elven is the cover for America to fight for their own interest by claiming the name of terrorism and this is the total planned story to accuse islam as a terrorist religion . How this is possible that two planes flew in the new York without the permission of America or in other word.

The capital of super power America is under the control of so called terrorists . This is impossible that is the only reason due to which no inquiry is took place in America . Because America and CIA is directly involved in this super planning.