Eskom is developing a Crowdsourcing platform to help finds the skills it urgently requires to address its immense operational challenges.

Eskom to launch crowdsourcing platform to find critical skills

The platform “will act as a skills database for Eskom to acquire additional expertise and to resolve its urgent business needs”, the utility said in a statement on Friday as stage 4 load shedding continued to grip the country. crowdsourcing platform, This crowdsourcing opportunity was prompted by “an overwhelming response” from organisations and individuals, including experienced engineers and technical experts, who have indicated they could potentially help Eskom to rebuild skills inside the organisation amid a critical skills shortfall. “A diverse cross-section of South Africans have sent enquiries and made themselves available to respond to the call to national service,” said Eskom CEO André de Ruyter. “Eskom is in the process of matching the skills that have already been made available to its needs and will be recruiting the suitable candidates imminently.”

Since South Africa has a pool of skilled persons, Eskom said crowdsourcing of these skills may offer a unique opportunity for available and willing citizens to support the utility to resolve its business challenges. “In order for Eskom to reap the highest benefit from this diversity of skills, it must also develop a governance mechanism and a platform that will provide equitable opportunity to all those willing to be considered for service,” said Elsie Pule, Group Executive for Human Resources. crowdsourcing platform, “The process will be driven by the needs of Eskom and will follow a standard governance process for fixed-term contracting.” Skills that would be required include mechanical, nuclear, electrical, system and maintenance skills, as well as senior artisans and plant operators for coal and nuclear power stations.

Source: This news is originally published by news24

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