Saudi Fund for Development, The agreement aims to build and equip the hospital, with a capacity of up to 200 medical beds, as well as pavilions, specialized medical centers, and buildings with a total area of ​​14,000 m² His Excellency the CEO of the Saudi Fund for Development Mr. Sultan Abdulrahman Al-Marshad signed today in the Republic of Cameroon with His Excellency the Minister of Economy, Planning and Cameroonian Territorial Development, Mr. Alamine Ousmane Mey, a financing agreement concerning a project to establish and equip the regional hospital in the city of Mbalmayo. This project is being financed with a development loan worth a total of $12 million, provided by the Saudi Fund for Development.

The Saudi Fund for Development signs an agreement for the financing of a hospital in Cameroon

Saudi Fund for Development, The agreement aims to build and equip the hospital, with a capacity of up to 200 medical beds, as well as pavilions, specialized medical centers, and buildings with a total area of ​​14,000 m². The hospital will also house other areas for operational services with an area of ​​8,500 m². The agreement also covers the furnishing of the hospital and its entire equipment in addition to road services, water and electricity, and sanitation systems. Likewise, the agreement wishes to build and equip the interior roads, and the road connecting the hospital to the national road, as well as to execute the equipment of a helicopter landing zone in case of emergency. The project contributes to facilitating access to health services for the inhabitants of the capital Yaoundé and surrounding towns and villages, and to providing and improving quality health services. The project will contribute to solving the problems of overcrowding in the hospitals of the cities of Yaoundé and Douala and the mortality rate caused by chronic diseases in order to provide necessary sanitary facilities to the population. Mr. Abdulrahman Alzaben, Chargé d’Affaires at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Republic of Cameroon as well as a number of officials from both sides attended the signing ceremony of the agreement.

Saudi Fund for Development, The CEO of the Fund explained during this ceremony that this project was established within the framework of co-financing, with a total value of 38.8 million dollars, in agreement with the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa. This is one of the vital projects that contribute positively to the social and economic development of the people of Cameroon as it will provide the necessary support for basic services in the infrastructure sector that the population needs to carry out their daily activities. The CEO appreciated the efforts made by the two nations over a period of more than 40 years to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He pointed out that this project is one of the tributaries of development in order to achieve prosperity in all sectors in Cameroon. For his part, His Excellency Mr. Alamine Ousmane praised the importance of the great role played by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Fund in supporting development projects and programs, and in developing the health in the Republic of Cameroon.

Saudi Fund for Development, He underlined the importance of the developmental relationship with the SFD over the past decades. The Minister indicated that this project is of great importance for the lives of many beneficiaries, especially since the population needs the establishment of a hospital that will provide them with health care and specialized medical centers and modern. It is important to note that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gives great importance to the support of sectors for development in the Republic of Cameroon through development projects and programs financed by the Saudi Fund for Development. Since 1977, in addition to this agreement, the Fund has provided 9 development loans to help finance 9 development projects, worth approximately $109 million, in order to contribute to the development and prosperity of the sectors infrastructure, water, transport and communications, education and health in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Source: This news is originally published by Africa

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