First woman president of Rotary International Jennifer Jones on Monday expressed confidence that Pakistan will soon achieve the status of a polio-free country.

Pakistan likely to get status of polio-free country soon Rotary chief

Polio-free country , She expressed these views during a press briefing at a hotel here. Jennifer Jones, who is on a week-long tour to Pakistan, expressed gratitude to the government, media and civil society for supporting the ‘Eradication of Polio’ programme and hoped that soon Pakistan will achieve the status of a polio-free country. She urged the media to play its role in creating awareness for routine immunization which could be most useful for a polio free Pakistan. She said Rotary had exemplary contributed towards eradication of polio from the world. “Rotary’s Polio Plus investment in Pakistan for polio eradication is $353.8 million and overall its global contribution has been around $2.5 billion,”

She said Rotary was committed to keep contributing until the world became polio-free. The RI President said Rotary had rendered valuable services in Pakistan, now it was time to start new welfare projects with new commitment from the platform of Rotary in Pakistan. Jennifer Jones said “Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues.” he said Rotary was constantly trying to improve people’s lifestyle and economic situation through welfare projects. The president of Rotary International said that Rotary was working in more than 200 countries of the world, adding its 1.4 million members were constantly striving to improve the lives of their communities and the people of the country.

“We provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.” She said Rotary was dedicated to causes that built international relationships, improved lives, and created a better world. She said Rotarians all over the world were involved to undertake projects in the seven areas of focus which included peace building and conflict prevention; disease prevention and treatment; water, sanitation, and hygiene; maternal and child health; basic education and literacy; community economic development and environmental sustainability & climate change.

Appreciating the remarkable performance of Rotary in Pakistan on the occasion of natural disasters, she said that “be it earthquake situation or flood disaster, Rotary has always stepped forward and played a full role in providing immediate relief to the victims and their rehabilitation.” Rotary Pakistan has distributed around 25,000 shelter boxes/tents donated by Rotary in UK. RI President said “Rotary Jo Goth” was the best project for the rehabilitation of the victims of earth quick in Pakistan, in which 160 houses along with a sustainable infra structure was built and given to the under-privileged and homeless victims with ownership rights

Source: This news is originally published by brecorder

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