A special session was held here on Wednesday following the direction of the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination, Abdul Qadir Patel to review the preparedness of Monkepox in the country.

Meeting Held To Review Monkeypox Situation In Pakistan

Review Monkeypox Situation The Special Secretary along with Director General Ministry of Health and representatives from the Ministry of Interior, Civil aviation Authority, Central Health Establishment, and Federal Investigation Agency attended the session. During the session, it was briefed that “the situation is currently well controlled” and is being closely monitored at national, regional and global levels epidemiologically. All the national and provincial health authorities and other stakeholders especially Central Health Establishment’s monitoring points of entry have been advised to remain vigilant and on high alert for any suspected case.

The meeting was informed that all public and private hospitals have been asked to ensure readiness for isolation and treatment of Monkeypox. Approximately 16,000 cases of Monkeypox have been reported so far in about 75 countries worldwide. Most confirmed cases reportedly had a travel history to countries in Europe and North America where the virus seems to be rampant. In the light of the current global situation, World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Monkeypox as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). This is the organizations highest level of alert designed to initiate a coordinate international response to bolster global efforts on vaccine sharing and treatments.

Review Monkeypox Situation In Pakistan “NO case of Monkeypox has been reported so far to date” however the surveillance system has already been working effectively. In this regard the Government of Pakistan has already taken several measures to prevent the disease. On 23 May 2022, National Institutes of Health (NIH) has issued an alert to all the national and provincial health authorities for timely detection and notification of Monkeypox cases. The National and Provincial Public Health Laboratories are well equipped for confirmation of Monkeypox virus. Directorate of Central Health Establishment (CHE) is advised to remain on high alert for any suspected case at all Point of Entries (POEs) regarding passenger screening while the situation is being closely monitored by the health authorities

Source: This news is originally published by urdupoint

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