A representative delegation of Pakhtun elders has pledged full support to polio eradication efforts, saying they want to see every child of the country standing on its feet. The assurance was given during a meeting of the Pakhtun delegation with Punjab Emergency Operations Centre Coordinator Ms Syedah Ramallah Ali on Thursday. Polio eradication partners were also present in the meeting.

EOC Hails Support Of Pakhtun Elders In Polio Eradication

“If a child suffers from polio the onus will fall on the parents for making wrong choices. The child will always be dependent on his caregivers and will not be able to lead a normal life forever”, cautioned Ms Syedah Ramallah. “The government reaches every child with polio drops every month or so. Irrespective of the background and affiliations the government will continue to provide polio vaccination at the doorsteps. To build immunity of marginalized communities the government is also providing health facilities in the neighbourhoods,” added Ms Ramallah.

“After polio cases in Pakistan, Punjab is also at risk. Especially children travelling between cities are most at risk. So, all communities need to vaccinate their children every time polio campaign is scheduled. The vaccination of children will help rid Pakistan of the crippling virus”, said the EOC coordinator. The head of the polio programme assured the Pakhtun representatives that all facilities will be continued in the EPI centres. Speaking on the occasion, the Pakhtun representatives vowed to support upcoming polio campaigns.

“Pashtun communities will further intensify cooperation with polio teams. We are already providing volunteers to support Polio Eradication teams so that they do not face any problem while moving house-to-house”, said Haji Nadir Khan, a Pakhun representative. “The community is ready to move one step ahead and volunteer their properties to set up health centres in their neighbourhoods”, added Mr Khan. He also pledged to sensitize parents in mosques and madrassas.

Source: This news is originally published by nation

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