
The Member from Anjaman-e-Artian Khuwaja Shahid Hameed proposed hermetically stored chilies at RS: 7000/Mound and non-hermetically stored chilies at RS: 3500/Mound a staggering difference of 100%.

By Dr Aslam Nonari

According to ADB, Pakistan loses annually $1.3 Billion in Post-Harvest losses. Most of these losses happen due to lack of adequate storage spaces. Haji Sons in collaboration with Ayoub Agriculture Research Institute, Directorate of Agriculture Marketing and Artis organized an awareness campaign on hermetic technology at AARI Faisalabad on 10-02-2022 to brief and demonstrate the Innovative Hermetic Technology developed by IRRI (Philippine) and CIMMYT (Mexico) to minimize the Post-Harvest losses in food grains, as this innovative technology has low permeability to air and moisture enabling chemical free storage, long term preservation that is free of fungus/insects and one can earn more profits by using this technology.

Before start of the session, Haji Sons conducted an exhibition/demonstration wherein the sample of 1 ton hermetic cocoon which can be placed in open field without any Godam/Warehouses, Hermetic bags with the samples of two year old chilies having fresh color and quality, samples of non-hermetic bags with chilies from market, CDC sheet and solar bubbler dryer to dry the grains/produce were displayed.


Mr. Farhan Tahir, Director Commodity Storage Haji Sons showed the difference between the samples of 2 year old chilies in hermetic bags and the chilies stored in non-hermetic bags to the Agriculture Experts and Artis present at the event. The Artis proposed the price of chilies stored in hermetic bags as RS: 7000/Mond and that of chilies stored in non-hermetic bags as RS: 3500/Mond.

Mr. Farhan Tahir explained the experiments of research institutes and private rice mills regarding storage of paddy in hermetic bags and non-hermetic bags, the experiences of farmers in storing

Mr. Farhan Tahir explained the experiments of Research Institute of private mills regarding storage of paddy in hermetic bags and non-hermetic bags, the experience of farmers in storing corn in hermetic cocoons and non-hermetic stores and that of chilies growers for storing chilies in hermetic bags and showed the samples of wheat which is stored in Sharqpur from 2018 in 20 ton cocoon. He informed the audience that the farmers got RS: 1300 per Mond after keeping the maize in non-hermetic store and RS: 1800 per Mond after storing it in the hermetic cocoon. He also added that hermetic technology is helpful to mitigate the effects of price fluctuation, lack of storage spaces, it is organic storage and free of Afflation effects on human health. The Agriculture Experts and Artis were convinced with advantages of hermetic storage and benefits of this technology in reducing losses during storage and get better profit from the commodity.


Haji Muhammad Asif Aslam president Anjaman-e-Artian Faisalabad showed his grave interest in this innovative technology in reducing the storage losses and improving profitability of farmers and Artis. He also invited Mr. Farhan Tahir to visit the grain market for individual meetings with Artis and survey of the warehouses and mills to guide accordingly.

AARI and specially Dr. Muhammad Akhtar Director General Agriculture Research has been fore-front of new technologies. He expressed strong confidence on hermetic technology as a way to reduce post-harvest losses and increase farmer income. AARI’s development, Research and collaboration with private sector has always proved fruitful in development of new technologies.